"Small matter." Jiang Dong curled his lips disapprovingly, and deliberately raised his voice, "How is it? Yu Shao next door, are you following me?"

"Fuck! Are you provoking trouble?" Yu Zihao became angry instantly, and before he could continue to yell, he heard a furious voice from him, "Fuck! Are you blind? The wine spilled on Lao Tzu's clothes!"

"The bad luck card is starting to work, this is just an appetizer!" Jiang Dong laughed secretly when he heard it, and then deliberately shouted to the next door: "If you have no money, don't be tough."

"I have no money? Are you an idiot?" Yu Zihao roared furiously, "Come here! Give me three more sets of great dragons!"

"Oh oh oh!" DJ went completely crazy, "Yu Shao added three more sets of big dragons..."

Before DJ finished shouting, Jiang Dong shot again, "Give me four more sets of great dragons!"

"Ahhhh! It's too hot! The VIPs at the big deck directly added four sets of big dragons this time!" DJ has completely fallen into a state of being unable to control himself, all of this is like a dream.

Accompanied by the screams of men and women on the dance floor, several sets of big dragons were placed on the tables with two booths.

This scene has completely exceeded everyone's expectations. Except for a few parties involved, including A Cheng, Meng Yao, Lu Zhuang and others, they have all fallen into a state of petrification, and they were completely dumbfounded on the spot.

In a few minutes, Jiang Dong and Yu Zihao spent almost a million dollars, what a waste of money!

In the booth, Xu Yangguang swallowed his saliva with difficulty, and complained to Jiang Dong in a sleepy voice: "Brother Dong, I finally know how that prince spent tens of millions in a night in the bar." !"

"A small scene." Jiang Dong waved his hand disapprovingly. The scene in front of him was indeed a small scene compared to Jiang Dong's extravagant spending in Wucheng Bar.

Afterwards, Jiang Dong raised his voice again, and shouted to Yu Zihao next door: "How is it? Yu Shao next door? Are you still playing?"

"Playing with you coins..." Yu Zihao roared angrily. Before he finished speaking, there was a burst of "cracking" sound from the next door, followed by Yu Zihao's even more angry roar: "Ouch! Who tripped me?"

"Yu Shao! I didn't mean it! I..."

"Get out! Fuck!"

"Young Master Yu, your head is bleeding!" Meng Yao shouted in panic.

"Stinky bitch! Are you just doing this? Let's go! Take me to the hospital!" Yu Zihao's voice broke.

He was splashed with wine before, and now he was opened by his own people. I have to say, the bad luck card is really awesome!

How long is this?

Jiang Dong didn't even dare to think about what Yu Zihao would look like in 24 hours...

The booth next door was in a mess, and a group of people hurried out.

Not long after, the booth next door returned to silence. Obviously, Yu Zihao and his group ran away.

fight money?

Jiang Dong has never been afraid of anyone!

The people in the big deck shouted loudly and drank happily as if they had won the final victory.

These wines on the table are the best products that they have never even seen before. For some people, they may never have the chance to taste the best in this life!

"Student Jiangdong, you..." Xu Mengmeng didn't drink, so she naturally stayed awake. She knew how much Jiangdong had spent in just a few minutes, so she stared at Jiangdong with wide eyes, "In In front of you, I feel like my mine is fake..."

【Wanben Station】Official website: www.wanben.org

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