However, Jiang Dong is very confident about this. Simply put, he has confidence in the bad luck card!

When Yu Zihao was ruined by the bad luck card, Xu Mengmeng's side would be fine.

Elite level 1 consumer cashback card, I feel excited just thinking about it!

Everyone went back to their dormitories, and under the influence of alcohol, the students in Class 1 of Mine Management soon fell asleep...

Early the next morning.

The playground is green, and the phalanxes of all classes have assembled and started counting. However, almost everyone will sneak glances at the direction of the first class of mine management from time to time, and then laugh...

In the phalanx of the first class of mine management, there were only instructor Chen and Xu Mengmeng. They stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

"Cough!" Instructor Chen coughed dryly, "Where are the students in your class?"

"Did you wake up?" Xu Mengmeng was almost certain that the group of boys drank too much last night and didn't get up this morning, and they were still in a collective shape.

"Really!" Instructor Chen's face became a little ugly, "I'll go find them!"

On this side, Instructor Chen was just about to turn around, and on the other side, led by Jiang Dong, twenty-seven boys from the mine management class 1 came over, talking and laughing.

"The wine last night was really strong!"

"Nonsense! The squad leader spent a little one million dollars to buy us a drink yesterday. I can't make that much money in my life!"

"Squad leader, let me tell you something, my four years of college will be handed over to you!"

"Don't make trouble, monitor, I've been messing with you all my life!"

"Squad leader, I only need a leg hair!"

The people in the first class of mine management were walking and playing around.

The words spoken by the crowd immediately caused a shock in the entire playground!

One million dollars for a drink?

Someone else's squad leader treats you?

What kind of fairy squad leader is this!

Without exception, almost all the first-year freshmen cast envious glances at the group of people in the mine management team, which formed an extremely sharp contrast with the playful gazes they had given to instructor Chen and Xu Mengmeng before. !

"Hello instructor!" Jiang Dong led the team and formed a square formation in front of instructor Chen.

"Hello, Instructor!" All the members of the mine management team yelled loudly, and the sound shook the sky, which shocked the students of several other departments to look sideways.

See, this is the person who has had a million-level drinking game!

"You guys!" Instructor Chen shouted at everyone with an ugly face: "Do you still have a little discipline? Do you think you don't have to be punished if you are late as a group? We are military training! It's not a child's play house! The rest time this morning is cancelled. Except for classmate Xu Mengmeng, everyone stands in a military posture until noon!"

"It deserves it!"

"It cost me a million dollars for a drink?"

"I don't even make drafts for bragging!"

"With two bad money, do you think you are a master?"

As soon as Instructor Chen finished speaking, there were scattered discussions all around, and the person who was aimed at was Jiang Dong, who had been in the limelight recently.

Although the sound was not loud, it was enough for every student in Class 1 of Mine Management to hear it.

In an instant, the faces of the students in class 1 of mine management sank.

"Report to the instructor! Our lateness has nothing to do with the monitor!"

"The squad leader got up early, and we were late because we were shouting!"

"Yes! Of the twenty-six of us, each of us was called by the squad leader himself. I think the squad leader shouldn't be punished!"

"We twenty-six are willing to accept punishment!"

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