"According to what you say, that Young Master Yu is the black sheep?" Lu Zhuang asked naively.

"Yes!" Xu Yangguang said with a faint smile, "I have the opportunity to introduce you to the real elite second generation!"

"Okay, I've finished listening to the story, let's eat!" Jiang Dong looked at the cafeteria that was close at hand, and interrupted the conversation of the three of them calmly.

Xu Yangguang's last words were clearly meant to Jiang Dong. As for He Lin and Lu Zhuang, Xu Yangguang can become friends with them, even real friends, but this kind of friendship is too limited. After all, The pattern is different.

The reason why Jiang Dong changed the subject was because he felt that it was not the time to contact those people. It was not a rejection or a promise, it could only be regarded as a hint to Xu Yangguang, and we will talk about this matter later.

Xu Yangguang didn't speak anymore, and He Lin and Lu Zhuang were indeed hungry, so they didn't ask Xu Yangguang about that circle, and the four of them rushed into the cafeteria just like ordinary students.

For today's meal, Xu Yangguang and Jiang Dong didn't treat guests. Everyone swiped their respective meal cards, bought the food they wanted to eat, and then gathered at a table in the corner, and began to chat while eating. It's very harmonious.

Soon, after a meal, Xu Yangguang and the three returned to the dormitory to rest as usual, while Jiang Dong left the academy directly, went to Datang Hot Pot Restaurant, and continued to work as his part-time worker.

"Little brother, are you here?" Tang Hao is still the same, wearing long clothes and trousers, squatting on the side of the road in front of Datang Hot Pot Restaurant, smoking a cigarette, seeing Jiang Dong coming, Tang Hao casually walked towards Jiang Dong He waved and said hello.

Jiang Dong walked over, looked curiously at Tang Hao's long clothes and trousers, then looked up at the scorching sun in the sky, and couldn't help asking: "Brother Hao, it's nearly 30 degrees today, and you are still wearing long pants?" Wear long pants, aren't you hot?"

"Hehe!" Tang Hao grinned, and said with a big grin: "It's hot! But you can't dress so cool!"

"What?" Jiang Dong became interested and squatted beside Tang Hao.

"Are you interested in my story?" Tang Hao looked Jiang Dong up and down, and said with a smile: "Hurry up and go in and work. If you don't work for two hours, I will deduct your salary!"

"You're cruel." Jiang Dong shrugged, without further ado, he went straight into Datang Hot Pot Restaurant. There was no way, who made the twenty yuan so important to Jiang Dong?

As for Tang Hao, to be honest, Jiang Dong couldn't understand him more and more.

Jiang Dong has not found many people who can make Jiang Dong unable to understand, but this Tang Hao must definitely be ranked first!

Jiang Dong walked into Datang Hot Pot Restaurant, changed into his overalls, and started working.

Even though it's noon, even if the sun is shining outside, it still doesn't affect the popularity of Datang hot pot restaurant. However, Jiang Dong saw another acquaintance...Xia Mumu when he was serving dishes!

Today's Xia Mumu didn't come to eat with friends, but came alone. When Jiang Dong took the dishes she ordered and walked to the table where she was, he couldn't help being stunned.

It is Xia Mumu's first time to eat hot pot alone, including many hot pot restaurants, it seems that very few people will come to eat by themselves.

The most important thing is that Xia Mumu had come here a long time ago, but she only started ordering after Jiangdong went to work. If she said that she didn't come here for Jiangdong, no fool would believe it!

【Wanben Station】Official website: www.wanben.org

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