Jiang Dong glanced at Xu Yang, who was smiling maliciously, and couldn't help muttering: "Wild donkey? What's the origin? Why invite us to dinner?"

"Hongmen Banquet!" Zheng Yi curled his lips, and said with some displeasure: "After we entered the magic city, we didn't pay a visit to the pier, and opened the scene directly. The wild donkey was upset and planned to target us."

"That's it..." Jiang Dong smiled.

This is really a constant life, just after a few days of ease, before Jiang Dong could make a move, troubles came to him on his own initiative.

"Brother Dong, let me talk about the wild donkey first, you must be interested in him!" Xu Yang put on a characteristic smile on the corner of his mouth.

"When you say that, I really want to hear it, let's talk about it!" Jiang Dong waved his hand, but drank most of the mineral water that A Le handed over in one go.

Xu Yang cleared his throat and began to explain to Jiang Dong.

"If you want to talk about wild donkeys, you must first talk about the Nanxian District where we are located..."

"Nanxian District is one of the few districts that are relatively backward in Shanghai. The degree of mixed fish and dragons here is no less than that of Xijiang District."

"In terms of economy, the strongest in Nanxian District are the three pillar enterprises, Tengfei Group, Chaoyue Group and Kaixuan Group. The business scope of these three companies covers catering, hotels, entertainment, finance, etc. in Nanxian District. Although It can't be compared with the real big consortiums in Shanghai, but in Nanxian District, it is definitely a giant existence!"

"On the rivers and lakes, there are two camps in Nanxian District, one is called Sha Kun, and the other is our old acquaintance, Shending."

"And this wild donkey is Shending's subordinate, but he is one of the least important subordinates of Shending, and his status is not as good as that of Akun's elder brother, Black Cat."

"This is the distribution of forces in Nanxian District. If we want to gain a firm foothold here, we must understand these things."

After Xu Yang finished speaking, he stopped talking, quietly waiting for Jiang Dong's response.

"What a coincidence? I haven't gone to Shending yet, but his wild donkey came to me first? Okay, then we will have a meeting with Mr. Wild Donkey tonight!" Jiang Dong laughed coldly "However, having said that, does this Shending run a zoo? Its men are either black cats or wild donkeys. In comparison, Ah Kun's name is much more normal!"

"Ha ha!"

"Brother Dong has been in college for a few days, and he has become more humorous?"

Everyone burst into laughter.

"By the way, where is that Xiong Xiaotian?" Jiang Dong asked everyone while smiling lightly.

"Hahaha!" Zheng Yi couldn't help laughing when Xiong Xiaotian was mentioned.

"Brother Dong, don't mention that Xiong Xiaotian, this kid is simply a fool, I really don't know how Xiong Dafa gave birth to such a stupid son!"

"It's that black cat, Akun's eldest brother, who launched a surprise attack on Xiong Xiaotian the second day he entered the Demon City, and broke up Xiong Xiaotian's forces. The crocodile was seriously injured, and now he doesn't know where to hide and cry! "

After Zheng Yi finished speaking, everyone also laughed.

It seems that Xiong Xiaotian is really unlucky. Although he has great ambitions in his heart, he is a dou who cannot be supported. This kind of ending is also expected by Jiangdong, otherwise Jiangdong would not encourage Xiong Xiaotian to come to the magic capital , He just wanted to take advantage of the hands of these tycoons in Shanghai to clean up Xiong Xiaotian, but Jiang Dong never thought that he would come so quickly.

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