"Okay! Let it fall under my name first!" Xia Xue finally compromised, she really couldn't refuse Jiang Dong's request.

Wang Tao happily left with Jiangdong's bank card and Xia Xue's ID card.

Until now, Jiang Dong saw that the dust had settled, and the car would eventually fall under Xia Xue's name. Finally, he set his sights on Liu Ye...

"Silly beep." Jiang Dong spit out these two words in disdain.

"Fucking grass!" Liu Ye was immediately set on fire, and jumped up and scolded Jiang Dong, "What do you mean by riding a horse? How dare you talk to me like that, do you know who I am? I step on a horse..."

Before Liu Ye could finish cursing, Jiang Dong had already turned around, completely ignored Liu Ye, and just let him go as if he was a fart, and began to pretend to look at the car.

Liu Ye was completely ignored by Jiang Dong, and he swallowed the second half of the sentence abruptly, as if stuck in his throat, unable to spit it out, unable to swallow it, his face flushed red, and his whole body was trembling!

As for Jiangdong, the car is fake when you look at it, and the real thing is to sign in when you take the opportunity!

"The check-in location is Ocean Motor Nanxian Store."

"The system is screening the flash kill options."

"Aston Martin one77 is limited to 77 units in the world. There are currently only five units in Longguo. It only takes 3.5 seconds to accelerate from 0-100km, and the top speed can reach 354km/h. The price is 47 million yuan, and the flash sale price today is 19.9 yuan."

"It comes with a magic capital license plate and all legal procedures."

Jiang Dong chose to confirm the flash kill without hesitation, and threw the 20 yuan he just earned today into the system light curtain.

Although today's check-in is just a car, it has exceeded Jiangdong's expectations by a lot!

The 47 million limited-edition supercar, if tariffs and other expenses are included, is worth close to 60 million, which has already exceeded the peak price of the elite level 1, and it also comes with various procedures and a license plate from the magic city. A deal that never pays!

"The spike was successful, and the system is delivering items."

After getting the response from the system, Jiang Dong became even more excited!

Jiang Dong hadn't tried a luxury car of this level before, it was absolutely crazy and cool, and the issue of the license plate in Shanghai was also solved by the way, and the final result was very satisfactory.

Just when Jiang Dong was feeling refreshed, suddenly, the system gave Jiang Dong a big gift again...


"Trigger system task!"

"A fly is crying, go, boy, let him fall into the abyss!"

"Strike Liu Ye's Liu Group to the point of bankruptcy, and the time limit is one month."

"Complete the task and reward the Elite Level 1 Jiangshan Beauty Card."

"Writing the name of the target person on this card can cause the target person to have a disorientation."

"Note that this card can only be used for women. If you successfully have a relationship with the target person, the card will add a special score based on the target person's appearance. The final base obtained will randomly draw 1-100 times the cashback amount, unit For ten thousand."

"Mission failure, no punishment."

"Does the host accept the mission?"

Jiang Dong froze on the spot for an instant.

This card is too awesome, right?

She is indeed a beauty of the country!

There is a chance to throw the beauties into your arms, and if things go well, you can even get cashback rewards!

In an instant, Jiang Dong's brain recalled Xia Xue's two ratings, 99 points for appearance, 99 points for special, a total of 198 points, the unit is 10,000, that is 1.98 million, if you get 100 times the random upper limit, that is one 198 million...

【Wanben Station】Official website: www.wanben.org

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