Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 655 The point is, I don't want to give him face

Xu Yangguang stood there without moving, but looked at the greasy middle-aged man with complicated eyes.

And Qu Yiyi didn't seem to let Xu Yangguang go, and started to hug the greasy middle-aged man's arm and act like a baby, "Honey, I can't let that guy go, he bullied me too!"

"Stop talking." The greasy middle-aged man glared at Qu Yiyi, and Qu Yiyi quickly shrank her neck in fright. It could be seen that she was very afraid of this greasy middle-aged man.

Without the fly of Quyi, the greasy middle-aged man was not in a hurry, just quietly waiting for Xu Yangguang to make a choice.

Xu Mengmeng gently touched Xu Yangguang's arm, and asked softly, "Do you know each other?"

"Our two families have business dealings." Xu Yangguang lowered his voice, and turned to Jiang Dong and said, "Brother Dong, we have encountered a difficult person this time!"

"How?" Jiang Dong asked indifferently.

Xu Yangguang said to Jiang Dong seriously: "His name is Wei Qiang, and he is the boss of Wei's Entertainment Group in Nanxian District. Although the size of Wei's Entertainment Group is average, only 700-800 million, Wei Qiang's relatives Big Brother is a ruthless character in Nanxian District, Wei Ding, known as the God Ding in Jianghu, is one of the two most famous big men in Nanxian District!"

"The size of seven or eight hundred million is very ordinary in your eyes. It seems that your family is not bad?" Jiang Dong half-jokingly responded to Xu Yangguang.

As for Wei Ding...

Jiang Dong really didn't expect that if he bought a watch casually, he would run into Wei Ding's younger brother. This is really a narrow road for enemies!

"Brother Dong, do you still have the mind to joke with me?" Xu Yangguang said anxiously: "Don't worry, I will take care of this matter today. For a small eighteenth-line artist, if I am determined to take care of it, Wei Qiang will definitely save face..."

"The point is, I don't want to give him face." Jiang Dong waved his hand and cut off Xu Yangguang's words decisively.

After saying this, Jiang Dong walked directly past Xu Yangguang and Xu Mengmeng, looked at Wei Qiang with a smile, and pointed at Quyi beside Wei Qiang, "You want to stand out for her?"

"Boy, do you know who you are talking to?" Wei Qiang sneered instantly, staring at Jiang Dong with an extremely gloomy gaze.

"It's been 9012, why do people still ask such stupid questions? I'm just talking to you, what's wrong?" Jiang Dong carelessly pointed at Wei Qiang, and instantly nodded at him vigorously.

Very arrogant!

Anyway, Jiang Dong also wanted to make trouble with Shending, so there was no need to give Shending's younger brother face, it was too much.

"Okay! Very good!" Wei Qiang looked Jiang Dong up and down, "Are young people nowadays so overconfident? They are obviously a small shrimp, but they insist on pretending to be a dragon, ha ha!"

"It doesn't matter whether I am a dragon crossing the river or not. The important thing is that you are definitely not an arhat descending the dragon." Jiang Dong curled his lips in disdain.

When Jiang Dong's words fell to the ground, the atmosphere in the lobby instantly dropped to freezing point!

At this moment, Qian Yi happily walked back holding Jiangdong's bank card.

"Mr. Jiang..." Qian Yici had just yelled three words, but was taken aback by the scene in front of him.

Jiang Dong and Wei Qiang are facing each other, as long as they are not blind, they can see it.

However, for Qian Yi, the collision between these two people was a bit unusual, because this Wei Qiang was one of the four before Jiangdong who bought watches without asking the price!

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