The system is the foundation of Jiangdong's life. With the improvement of the registration of the system, the rewards Jiangdong receives will also be of higher quality. Even the cards obtained from starting missions can only become more and more amazing.

Therefore, it is urgent to upgrade the system!

Having made up his mind, Jiang Dong didn't hesitate anymore, and directly summoned the system light curtain, and quietly inserted the bank card into the light curtain.


"System upgrade successful!"

"System level: Elite level 2, 100 million experience (money) is needed before the next upgrade..."

"Continue to upgrade!"

"The system has been upgraded successfully, the current level, elite level 3..."

Jiang Dong pressed the "Confirm Upgrade" button twice in a row, and the system was upgraded from elite level 1 to elite level 3 in an instant.

After the system reached elite level 3, the money in the Jiangdong bank card was instantly wiped out, leaving only a few hundred thousand.

Hundreds of thousands, for ordinary people, is definitely a huge sum of money, but for Jiang Dong, it is not enough to go to a bar to open two sets of big dragons!

"Okay! Then just wait for tomorrow to sign in! I'm really looking forward to the second-kill option of elite level 3!" Jiang Dong breathed a sigh of relief, then closed his eyes contentedly, and fell asleep in a daze.

On the morning of the eighth day of military training, freshmen generally get up late, probably because yesterday's small vacation consumed too much.

It wasn't until the normal assembly time exceeded five minutes that the first-year freshmen on the playground were assembled.

In front of the army formation of the No. 1 Mine Management Squad, the young instructor Chen kept a straight face and growled in a low voice: "Where is the discipline? I can't see it! Stand in a military posture for an hour first!"

The most routine military posture package for military training has begun.

After seven days of military training, the physical fitness of the students in Class 1 of Mine Management has improved a lot. Except for the only girl in the class, Xu Mengmeng, who didn't hold on, the other 27 people actually persisted!

Instructor Chen is very satisfied with this.

"Rest on the spot for ten minutes, and then we will start a new stage of military training, go forward!" Instructor Chen shouted: "There are only seven days until the end of the military training review and evaluation, I hope everyone can show the best state Come for training, I don't ask everyone to take the first place, I just hope everyone doesn't rank first!"

"Don't worry, instructor, it won't happen."

"We are the most united class in the whole school, how could it be the last one?"

"If you want me to say, it is possible for our class to get the first place!"

"That must be!"

Anyway, it was time for a break, and all the students responded enthusiastically to Instructor Chen.

"Mine Management Team 1, come on!" Jiang Dong suddenly called out.

Then the whole class was in uniform, took a deep breath, opened their throats, and shouted in unison: "Come on!"

The most cohesive and united class in the whole school is really not just talk, the level of tacit understanding and order alone is not comparable to a class full of small groups of sloppy college students!

"Brothers... and sisters!" Jiang Dong glanced at Xu Mengmeng and scratched his head in embarrassment. He didn't intend to call sisters, but Xu Mengmeng is also a member of the first class of mine management. Woolen cloth?

When Jiang Dong's words fell to the ground, everyone immediately focused their attention on him.

In this group, Jiang Dong is the veritable backbone and leader. After these seven days of getting along, everyone including the only sister, Xu Mengmeng, is convinced by Jiang Dong.

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