For a while, all the freshmen who were also training in unison on the playground focused their eyes on the army formation of the No. 1 Mine Management Squad. To put it bluntly, they all looked at the pacesetter-level figure, Jiang Dong...

In fact, Jiang Dong is not considered handsome. If you rate him according to his appearance, he looks about 80, but the key is that Jiang Dong has temperament!

With a tall and straight figure like a pine, he exudes a confidence and calmness that does not belong to his peers. The key is that he has the blessing of the aura of "Shenhao"!

Therefore, Jiang Dong immediately became the focus of the eyes of all the female students, even... the prince!

"I suddenly found out that the monitor of mine management class 1 is so handsome!"

"It's not that he's particularly handsome, it's just that he has an aura that will definitely kill all the boys in the school!"

"I have a showdown! I'm greedy for him!"

"Is every rich man so handsome?"

"Haven't you heard such a saying? As long as you have money, you will be destined for everyone!"

"That's for sure, if I have his worth, I will also become very handsome!"

The men and women on the playground began to discuss heatedly around Jiangdong.

There are those who like Jiangdong money, some who are extremely fond of Jiangdong's lemon essence, and some who really like Jiangdong, but in the army of the freshman art department, a girl with a long figure and absolute beauty without makeup only looks at Jiangdong. Glancing at Jiangdong, he turned his head and began to practice walking in unison on his own.

"Tongtong!" Beside the plain girl, there is a tall girl who is wearing a military training uniform, but the glasses frames, earrings, necklaces and other accessories are all luxury brands. Her appearance is about 80 points, and she is barely on par with Xia Mumu. , poked the girl without makeup with his arm, "Do you think this guy named Jiangdong is strange? He is obviously not very handsome, but he gives people a very comfortable feeling. If I had to choose, I would definitely be between him and the handsome guy." Pick him!"

"Then go and chase him." The plain girl Tongtong shook her head disapprovingly.

Tong Tong, formerly known as Yi Tong, is a freshman in Dance Class 1 of the Art Department. Although the school has only started for seven days, Yi Tong has already become recognized as one of the three campus beauties of the School of Economics.

The so-called three school beauties, the one recognized as the most beautiful in each grade is one of the three school beauties.

This kind of selection is not very fair. For example, Xia Mumu, who was newly promoted as one of the three major campus beauties, was considered the number one beauty in her junior year, but she was slightly weaker than some of the first and sophomore students. .

Only this freshman, Yi Tong, was recognized by the whole school and deserved his name!

In fact, Yi Tong is not like Xia Xue's kind of ice cube that people don't get close to, but she has a kind of pride that is different from ordinary people. Maybe this is the common problem of beautiful women?

"Forget it! I don't dare!" The girl shrugged her shoulders, sticking out her tongue playfully, "If I make a boyfriend privately, my family will have to lock me up! If his family background is similar to mine, then that's fine." It’s easy to say, I’m afraid that he won’t be useful if he sees it!”

"Lin Su, do you believe the rumors on the forum?" Yi Tong looked up at Jiang Dong again, and then turned to ask the girl named Lin Su beside her.

Lin Su: "Flies don't bite seamless eggs. Since there are rumors, it can't be brand new."

"Then you can ask that Jiang Dong, with your looks and family background, I don't believe that anyone in the School of Economics has the courage to reject you." Yitong said calmly: "I believe, he will be no exception."

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