
They don't fight on horseback, what does Jiangdong want that thing for?

What's more, owning that kind of thing in Long Country is simply asking for a dead end!

After Jiang Dong rejected the second option, he also secretly praised the elite-level system, it really can get anything!

Neither the first option nor the second option has what Jiangdong wants, and the third option has become the focus of Jiangdong's attention...

"The third flash kill option is an opportunity for the ghost organization to serve for free. The ghost organization is a world-renowned killer organization. The starting price for hiring the ghost organization to perform tasks is 10 million dollars. Today's flash sale price is 19.9 yuan."

The 10 million meter knife is equivalent to more than 60 million Longguo coins. Although it has not reached the average price of elite level 3, but... Jiangdong is excited!

"Seckill the third option!" Jiang Dong walked into the elevator, turned his back to the monitor in the elevator, and put the 20 yuan he earned just today into the system light curtain.

Why did Jiangdong choose the third option?

It's a great thing to use the killer of the ghost organization!

If Jiang Dong really wanted to kill someone, then this instant kill option would come in handy. It not only greatly increased the success rate, but also completely wiped himself out. After all, this is an extremely easy thing to get burned.

As for signing in at the entrance of the live cs store, why did the option of killer appear?

It's very simple!

When CS was popular across the country, it was called "Counter-Strike", and the word "Fear" in it included killers!

Accidentally won this sign-in reward, Jiang Dong is also very comfortable in his heart, he has even thought about who to use it on...

Jiang Dong walked out of the shopping mall, only to find that many people were walking towards a hotel not far away, and the crowd was talking as they walked.

"Go over and watch the fun!"

"What is there to watch?"

"Someone jumped off the building!"

"Lying on the grass! Jumping off a building? This bull beep! Go!"

"I heard it's a woman, she's sitting at the window on the sixth floor of the Crystal Hotel!"

Hot chattering voices permeated the air, and the bustling commercial street was completely ignited at this moment.

The incident of jumping from the building should have happened after Jiangdong walked into the shopping mall. Jiangdong really didn't notice this before!

No, the piercing and rapid whistle of the fire truck resounded through the sky, the stone pier blocking the entrance of the pedestrian street was removed, and several fire trucks roared in.

This group of fighters fighting on the front line is always so trustworthy. Compared with the group of melon-eating people who watch the excitement and don't think it's a big deal, they are really two completely opposite qualities.

No way, in Longguo, there will never be a shortage of melon-eating people watching the excitement, even if they eat melons with human blood...

Jiang Dong was squeezed under the Crystal Hotel by the crowd.

At this time, the surrounding area of ​​the Crystal Hotel has been cordoned off, and the fire fighters are using teams to quickly carry out on-site rescue operations. There are ladders, air cushions, and several fire fighters walked in directly from the back door. Crystal Hotel, it seems that they are planning to go to the scene to save people!

Jiang Dong silently praised the firefighters, then looked up.

I saw that at a certain window on the sixth floor of the Crystal Hotel, there was really a long-haired woman in tulle sitting on it. Her long legs were dangling in the air, as if she might jump off at any time. The situation was extremely tense. anxious!

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