"Let's go!"

"Let's go!"

"It's not interesting."

The crowd dispersed like birds and beasts.

It seems that in this distorted real society, if you want to overwhelm others, you must have money.

And Lin Su, relying on her money ability, the gangsters who hate her dare not raise their eyebrows...

Convincing people with virtue has now turned into convincing people with wealth. This is a very sad thing.

"Dear audience! That unknown young man successfully rescued the woman who committed suicide by jumping off a building!"

"Let's applaud that brave young man!"

"This year's young people are really full of positive energy. Here is the live report from Shanghai Radio Station."

Several TV stations began to act after the fact, forming an extremely sharp contrast with the previous scenes complaining about Jiang Dong's overreaching.

"Human!" Yi Tong shook her head, and glanced at the group of reporters and the scatterers with disdain.

"Let's go!" Lin Su pulled Yi Tong involuntarily, and ran towards the Crystal Hotel.

"Why are you going?" Lin Su dragged Yi Tong along, but had no choice but to follow.

"Look for Jiangdong! My impression of him has completely changed!" Lin Su said firmly: "I want prestige with him!"

"Okay... I'll go with you..." Yi Tong glanced at Lin Su with a complicated expression, and said absently.

To be honest, the scene of Jiang Dong jumping off the building to save others just now had a great impact on Yi Tong!

Jiang Dong can completely stay out of the matter, and even watching the fun like those melon-eating people is fine, because in this matter of saving people, it is a favor to save people, and it is duty not to save people. No one can force Jiang Dong to save people.

What's more, success may not be meritorious, but failure is enough to ruin Jiang Dong's life. Faced with such completely unequal consequences, Jiang Dong still resolutely chooses to save people!

This kind of mind and demeanor deeply shocked Yitong's heart, and even made her calm heart set off a stormy sea!

There is no other reason, just because there is no harm if there is no comparison. The indifferent crowd before, and Jiang Dong, who stood up for justice and stood up, formed too sharp a contrast!

At the same time, on the sixth floor of the Crystal Hotel.

"Hoo hoo..." Jiang Dong leaned against the wall, sat on the ground, gasped heavily, and glanced at the fire fighters in the room. On a woman with dull pupils.

The woman is only twenty-five or six years old. Although she is not in the blooming season, she is in full bloom. She has beautiful facial features and looks that are hard to beat. She is at least a beauty in the 80s. Why would she want to die? ?

"Young man! Well done!" The captain trotted all the way to Jiangdong's side, patted Jiangdong's shoulder vigorously, and gave Jiangdong all the words of praise without hesitation, "You have successfully saved a life, and the society needs You young people who spread positive energy!"

"Captain, thank you." Jiang Dong waved his hand, untied the rope around his waist, and responded to the captain with a smile.

"Why do you want to save me?" At this moment, the woman suddenly asked, and those dull eyes also fixed on Jiang Dong's body.

"Why didn't you save you?" Jiang Dong asked back, "Watching you die? Apart from life and death, it's a trivial matter, and I really can't figure it out. Why did you choose to commit suicide by jumping off the building?"

【Wanben Station】Official website: www.wanben.org

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