Jiang Dong was very calm, but Xu Yangguang and the others were a little uneasy, because there were too many variables in this matter.

Who can say good about the relationship between men and women?

What if the eldest son of the Lin family falls in love with Lu Qian?

If Jiang Dong and Lu Tianming were on the bar at that time, it would be facing two forces at the ceiling level of the magic city at the same time!

Amidst the complicated moods of everyone, the morning military training began.

It is still the old routine, standing in a military posture and walking in unison.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, it's lunch break time.

All the phalanxes were disbanded one after another, but the phalanx of the No. 1 Mine Management Squad was carrying out the final round of walking in unison.

At this time, Lin Su and Yi Tong, who were wearing the standard military training uniforms for freshmen, walked towards the phalanx of the mine management team, arm in arm.

"Susu, didn't you say yesterday that you don't want to have anything to do with Jiangdong anymore? Why did you drag me over to find Jiangdong as soon as the phalanx was disbanded?" Yi Tong asked Lin Su curiously.

"Oh! Tongtong, you don't know. Yesterday something happened in Nanxian District. My elder brother told me to be more careful in the near future... let's talk about business!" Lin Su waved his hands mysteriously. Secretly said to Yi Tong: "Do you know what happened last night?"

"I don't know." Yi Tong shook her head blankly, how could she know such a thing.

"Wei Qiang, do you still remember?" Lin Su's tone became more and more mysterious.

"Wei Qiang? I remember! Is that the person who forced Zhang Ting to jump off the building yesterday?" Yi Tong didn't know what Lin Su wanted to say, but after overhearing the conversation between Jiang Dong and Zhang Ting yesterday, Yi Tong naturally knew about Wei Qiang. .

"Yes! It's him!" Lin Su then gave Yi Tong some background and identity about Wei Qiang, and finally added a shocking sentence, "My elder brother told me that it was Wei Qiang who died last night! "

"What?" Yi Tong stared sharply at her beautiful eyes, covered her cherry lips with both hands, and looked at Lin Su in shock.

For ordinary people like Yitong, the matter of life and death is even farther away than the other side of the ocean.

But now, when Wei Qiang, one of the key figures in yesterday's jumping incident, suddenly died suddenly, Yi Tong naturally couldn't believe it, and couldn't accept it.

"It's not important!" Lin Su said to Yi Tong mysteriously, "Do you still remember what Jiang Dong said to Zhang Ting yesterday?"

"I remember..." Yitong was extremely intelligent. Lin Su only clicked a word, and she understood what Lin Su wanted to express. Immediately, she couldn't help but whispered: "You don't mean to say, yes What Jiangdong did..."

Before Yi Tong finished speaking, Lin Su covered her little mouth, "Elder Sister! Keep your voice down! Only a very few people know about this, and you can't talk nonsense until you find evidence! "

Yitong moved her throat steadily in shock, and nodded with difficulty.

"Let's go find Jiang Dong! I must ask him in person what's going on! There can't be such a coincidence in the world, right?" Lin Su put on an inquiring posture, as if if he didn't get it right Clearly, she couldn't even eat lunch.

"Then let's go! Let's ask!" Yi Tong also became interested.

From the moment Jiangdong bravely jumped from the seventh floor yesterday, Yitong's view of Jiangdong has changed drastically. To be honest, Yitong is actually very curious about this matter, but it makes her even more so. Curious, or Jiang Dong...

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