Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 699 Welcome to the Confrontation Road (Part 2)

"Brother Dong, you're too late, I've already forwarded it to the class group..." He Lin blinked and said maliciously: "If you dare to slander Brother Dong, you must show him some color!"

If Li Yang stood in front of He Lin, He Lin would not dare to do this, but on the virtual network, He Lin would dare to face Li Yang. This is the legendary keyboard man, right?

However, this time the Keyboard Man is on the side of justice!

"Brother Dong, there's a lot of trouble in the group, and the whole class unanimously expressed their opinion that they will fight this guy to the end!" Lu Zhuang said angrily: "Zheng Tao has already started leaving messages to fight back!"

"Northeast big man is straightforward!" Xu Yangguang gave a thumbs up.

Jiang Dong had no choice but to turn on the prestige, planning to let the students do what they should be busy with.

However, just as Jiang Dong clicked on the prestige group, his screen was swiped by a line of words...

Welcome to Confrontation Road!

The whole class collectively swipe the screen, and a few simple words have already revealed the determination of the mining management team to work together and unify the outside world!

"Okay! You can do whatever you want!" Jiang Dong shook his head, Jiang Dong couldn't bear to refute everyone's kindness.

In fact, Jiang Dong was a little moved in his heart.

After all, everyone's wishes represent everyone's respect and support for Jiangdong.

As for why Jiang Dong himself doesn't care about this hot post, because he knows that in the near future, some heavyweights will jump out and face Li Yang in person...

At that time, that Li Yang will definitely not be able to eat and walk around!

Jiang Dong and his group went to the cafeteria. Along the way, wherever Jiang Dong passed, people would cast strange glances at him.

Jiang Dong would naturally choose to ignore these gazes, because Li Yang and those people would soon discover that they were actually clowns.

After entering the cafeteria, as usual, the surprise duo went to cook food, while Jiang Dong, Xu Yangguang and Xu Mengmeng found a seat at random and sat down.

"Brother Dong, I really don't understand you. Li Yang made such a big fuss, but you are indifferent?" Xu Yangguang looked at Jiang Dong puzzled, "Isn't this your character?"

"Then what should I do?" Jiang Dong asked Xu Yangguang curiously.

"Just..." Xu Yangguang directly made a gesture of wiping his neck, and there was an intriguing arc on the corner of his mouth, "That Li Yang should be this kind of destination!"

"Are you sick?" Jiang Dong scolded Xu Yangguang with a smile.

At this moment, the campus radio suddenly sounded a few "Hello" to try the microphone.

"Hi, everyone, I'm Zhang Yuan, Dean of Academic Affairs." Zhang Yuan's low and excited contradictory voice came out from the radio.

It is worth mentioning that the broadcast of the School of Economics covers every corner of the school, whether it is in the teaching building or in the dormitory building, it can be heard clearly, even in nearby areas, such as the Datang Hot Pot Restaurant , can be heard intermittently, the influence is evident.

When the broadcast sounded, the teachers and students of the whole school almost stopped their movements, quietly waiting for the next words from the Director of Education, Zhang Yuan.

There is no other reason, just because the radio of the School of Economics has not been used for almost half a year, and now Zhang Yuan, the dean of academic affairs, broadcasts it himself, which shows the magnitude of the incident!

"Today, an exciting thing happened in our college. To be precise, it happened last night..."

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