When the last phalanx that walked through the high platform returned to the middle of the playground, this year's military training competition for freshmen was coming to an end, and the rest was the highlight selection...

Freshmen on the playground are anxiously waiting for the final selection.

In fact, everyone knows that the first place must be between the enterprise management major and the first class of mine management. The former has a strong relationship, and the latter has enough hard power.

Although the final selection has nothing to do with the vast majority of classes, everyone is still very concerned about it. Gossip is one aspect, and the other is because, after the selection is over, the freshmen who have finished their military training will get half a day off...

Under the eyes of everyone, Zhang Yuan, the dean of academic affairs on the high platform, stood up slowly, tried the microphone, and after confirming that there was no problem, he said slowly, "Everyone, the military training for freshmen this year is still exciting, Especially the first class of mine management and the major of enterprise management have left an indelible impression on all of us. Now, on behalf of the leaders of the college, I announce the first place in this military training competition..."

When Zhang Yuan said this, he paused deliberately, as if to whet everyone's appetite.

At this time, the first-year freshmen on the playground began to discuss heatedly, guessing who would be the first in the end, especially the phalanx of business management majors, who were even more arrogant.

"Our business management major is firmly ranked first!"

"The first place in the previous military training is our business management major. As for the first class of mine management, what kind of horse is it?"

"Young Master Chen, are you ready for your acceptance speech?"

The phalanx of enterprise management majors had a very pleasant and relaxed atmosphere, as if the first place in the military training competition was really in their pocket.

Super Chen, who was praised to the sky by everyone, couldn't help puffing out his chest and raised his chin. It seemed that he was ready to give his acceptance speech on stage.

However, at this moment, Zhang Yuan on the high platform spoke without warning.

"Students, let us give the warmest applause to..." Zhang Yuan looked quite excited, and raised his arms and shouted, "Mine management class one!"

When Zhang Yuan yelled out the words "Mine Management Class 1", the atmosphere of the audience froze instantly, especially the corporate management professional phalanx, the atmosphere dropped to freezing point!

Led by Chao Chen, every student majoring in business management had the previous high-spirited and confident expressions on their faces, which looked very funny and ridiculous.

The playground was full of freshmen, but such a pair of people got together without making a single noise, as if time stood still at this moment, and the atmosphere was very strange.

In the next moment, all the freshmen turned their heads stiffly and mechanically as if they were electrocuted, and their gazes were cast in the direction of the mine management team...

As for the first class of mine managers, except for Jiang Dong, everyone's expressions were also frozen on their faces. Even Xu Yangguang, who had read Jiang Dong and Lu Tianming's prestige chat records beforehand, was all the same when the facts were in front of him. The face can't believe it.

"Brother Dong..." Xu Yangguang said as if dreaming, "We succeeded? Overwhelmed the business management major, and we won the first place?"

【Wanben Station】Official website: www.wanben.org

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