Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 801 Fitness and Martial Arts (Part 2)

"What kind of thing are you riding a horse?" Before the wild donkey could speak, Ah Hong ran away violently.

A guy who looked like a younger brother dared to ignore Ah Hong and provoke the wild donkey directly, which made Ah Hong very embarrassed.

When the voice fell, Ah Hong didn't intend to ask Jiang Dong to respond at all, so he did it directly!

Didn't they come to the Oriental Bar this time just to make trouble?

You can talk nonsense with Zheng Yi, but there is no need to talk nonsense with such a small shrimp, right?

I saw that Ah Hong jumped up violently, his body made a gorgeous 360-degree turn in the air, and a volley and side kick directly blasted Jiang Dong's head...

Here, Ahong's arrogant and elegant movements have just been completed more than halfway. Over there, Jiang Dong raised his leg like lightning, and kicked out with a powerful side kick...

Before Ah Hong's legs could be thrown out, Jiang Dong's feet hit his lower abdomen directly!

A muffled sound of "bang" came out. Ah Hong, who was in mid-air, was very poorly balanced. Coupled with Jiang Dong's powerful and heavy kick, this was the real "broken kite" in front of him. picture...

That Ahong flew upside down in the air, smashed into the crowd, knocked down four strong men, and then stopped flying!

"Fuck...cough..." Ah Hong had a grim expression, and began to cough violently. After coughing for a while, Ah Hong's entire face turned pale as paper, and even breathing became difficult.

"Your little brother's ribs are broken, and it seems to have affected his lungs. If he doesn't send him to the hospital, he will be suffocated." Jiang Dong tilted his head and spoke slowly.

All of a sudden, the first floor of the bar was extremely quiet.

Everyone stared at Jiang Dong with dumbfounded eyes, as if they were looking at a monster.

Only Ah Hong's difficult and heavy breathing was still echoing...

"You..." After a long while, the wild donkey came back to his senses, glanced at A Hong who was lying on the ground in shock, then fixed his eyes on Jiang Dong, and blurted out in horror: "Why do you Maybe beat Ah Hong? He is the Sanda champion!"

"Just him?" Jiang Dong laughed jokingly, and said playfully: "In my eyes, a Sanda champion can only be regarded as the type of person who plays fitness, and I am the type of person who practices martial arts. You say, a fitness player Yes, if you insist on fighting with me as a martial arts practitioner, whoever loses will win, needless to say?"

"Fuck!" The wild donkey jumped up from the chair furiously, "I'm going to abolish you today!"

This time, the wild donkey was a big loser. His number one general was knocked down by an unknown young man on the opposite side, and he had to go to the hospital on horseback. It was an absolute shame and humiliation!

On the other hand, Zheng Yi's side laughed very heartily, as if they wanted to give back all the cynicism and ridicule they received before to the wild donkeys.

"Just you?" Jiang Dong curled his lips disapprovingly in the face of the furious wild donkey, "Let me put it here, not only can you not close the Oriental Bar today, but you can't touch me, and you even have to apologize to me."

"Lying on the grass!" The wild donkey has completely lost his mind, he is about to be mad by Jiang Dong, "Come on! Whoever rides on a horse and cripples this kid, I will reward 1 million!"

Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man, even if Jiang Dong kicked Ah Hong just now, but this still cannot stop the ferocity ignited by the money, the men of the wild donkeys heard the bonus, and the eyes of each of them gradually turned red get up...

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