The wild donkey didn't understand at all why Wei Ding was so angry, and couldn't help but turned his questioning gaze to Qin Ming.

Qin Ming didn't speak, but raised his chin calmly towards Jiang Dong.

Now the wild donkey understood that all the problems were caused by this little-known young man!

But what's so special about this young man?

How could Wei Ding pay so much attention to it?

At this time, the disadvantage of the lack of information was revealed, because the wild donkey did not have information about Jiangdong, which caused him to anger Wei Ding!

"Brother Jiang, what do you think of this matter?" Wei Ding turned his attention to Jiang Dong again, and while talking, walked to the place where the wild donkey was sitting just now, and sat directly on the chair.

Wei Ding's address to Jiang Dong directly made everyone in the audience dumbfounded.

Brother Jiang?

This was yelled from Master Ding of Nanxian District himself!

"This wild donkey is your subordinate? That's easy!" Jiang Dong calmly pulled out a chair and sat down face to face with Wei Ding, "I told him just now that he can't smash this bar today, people He couldn't move, and even had to apologize to me, Boss Wei, what do you think should be done about this matter?"

"Then do you still need to ask?" Wei Ding took a puff of his cigar and said calmly, "Of course I want the wild donkeys to leave, and I have to apologize to Brother Jiang before leaving, that's all."

"..." In an instant, everyone in the audience was dumbfounded.

Wei Ding stepped forward, not only failed to help his right-hand man, the wild donkey, but also let the wild donkey take people away. The most exaggerated thing is that before the wild donkey left, he had to apologize to Jiang Dong in public according to what Jiang Dong said...

This really subverts everyone's worldview.

Even Zheng Yi was dumbfounded.

To be honest, Zheng Yi thought at first that there would be a fight with Wei Ding, but he never expected that the final result would turn out like this...

This is really shocking!

"Ding...Master Ding..." The wild donkey stared at Wei Ding dumbfounded, as if meeting Wei Ding for the first time, and said in disbelief, "Master Ding asked me to apologize to him? He...he..."

The wild donkey yelled for a long time, but he didn't know what to say, because he didn't know Jiangdong's cards at all, and he didn't know how to describe Jiangdong in this embarrassing environment!

"Stop talking nonsense! Apologize!" Wei Ding doesn't care what the wild donkey thinks at all, because Wei Ding only needs to know what he thinks is enough.

Wei Ding wanted to try his best to meet all of Jiang Dong's requirements, so he had to sign the contract first. As for how many days Jiang Dong could live, that would depend on Jiang Dong's fortune.

"After apologizing, get out, don't think about this bar in the future, and open the door to do business, everyone depends on their ability, what do you do?" Wei Ding urged the wild donkey again.

"I..." The wild donkey's breathing became rapid, and his chest rose and fell, obviously suppressing his anger.

After a long pause, the wild donkey let out a heavy breath, and his hands creaked. In the end, he still chose to follow Wei Ding's arrangement and apologize to Jiangdong.

"Mr. Jiang, I'm sorry, I'm blind today." The wild donkey bowed his head towards Jiang Dong in humiliation, "I hope that Mr. Jiang will not remember the villain's mistakes."

"Go away!" Jiang Dong waved his hands generously, not even bothering to look at the wild donkey.

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