Jiang Dong closed the top-secret document, and before Zheng Yi and the other three got ready for dinner, he threw the document into the virtual package.

"Fortunately, I chose copyright instead of eyeliner for today's sign-in..." Jiang Dong stood up, feeling secretly refreshed, "We have reached a cooperation with Wei Ding through copyright, and the loophole card given by the system makes up for the option of eyeliner. It's a pity, and it's more real than eyeliner, after all, people's hearts are the most difficult to control, and in my hand, I hold the ironclad evidence of tax evasion by Wei's Entertainment Group!"

With a smile on his lips, Jiang Dong sat down at the head of the table. Seeing Jiang Dong's appearance, Zheng Yi and the three looked at each other.

"Brother Dong, is there any happy event?" Zheng Yi came over and asked with a smile.

"It's a happy event..." Jiang Dong didn't intend to explain to Zheng Yi and the others, and started eating directly.

If Jiang Dong didn't say anything, Zheng Yi and the others would naturally not ask too many questions. This is the most basic rule for subordinates. Anyway, the atmosphere at the dinner table is very pleasant and it's over.

Everyone should eat and drink, and started talking nonsense from all over the world.

After drinking and eating, Jiang Dong didn't stop, he left the Oriental Bar and walked to the School of Economics. When Jiang Dong entered the dormitory area, his phone rang without warning.

Jiang Dong took out the phone and took a closer look. It was Xia Xue who called. As for what happened, Jiang Dong knew it well.

"Hello." Jiang Dong answered the phone.

"What exactly do you want to do? Since we have obtained the copyright of the second part of "Dragon Tooth", why do we still cooperate with Wei's Entertainment Group? When will the relationship between us and them be good enough to cooperate?" Forget it, he directly asked Jiang Dong a series of questions, which shows how excited Xia Xue must be at this time.

"Don't get excited." Jiang Dong didn't care about Xia Xue's attitude at all, "I have my plan, you just follow it."

"Hoo hoo..." Xia Xue on the other end of the phone took a few short breaths, calmed down a little, and then asked, "Then tell me what is your plan?"

"I can't tell you everything for the time being, but you can first expose Du Li's tax evasion, and expose it now. In the name of our group's internal self-examination, hold a press conference, and take the initiative to take responsibility, asking the tax department to investigate us. The maximum fine..."

Before Jiang Dong finished speaking, Xia Xue finally calmed down and exploded again, "What? We exposed ourselves? And asked the tax department to impose a maximum fine on us? Du Li's shady contract is 10 million! If It's the top amount, and it can be fined five times, that's 50 million!"

"Calm down!" Jiang Dong spoke again to comfort Xia Xue, "This is just the beginning, the beginning of a chain..."

"Serial trick..." Xia Xue was stunned for a moment, as if mustering up a lot of courage, she acted coquettishly for the first time, "No! You can tell me now, tell me all your serial tricks!"

The sudden melting of the iceberg beauty really caught Jiang Dong by surprise. Even Jiang Dong, who was as stable as an old dog, had to spend a few seconds to digest the impact Xia Xue had on him.

"That..." Jiang Dong cleared his throat, "You will know my plan soon, now, you just have to trust me, I will never harm you!"

【Wanben Station】Official website: www.wanben.org

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