Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 823 What you see is not necessarily what you see

Jiang Dong sat in the Aston Martin one77, and it took him more than ten minutes to suppress the horror and shock in his heart.

Afterwards, Jiang Dong drove away from Nanqiao Business District, and wandered aimlessly in the long streets of Nanxian District.

And Xu Dong on the other side is the same...

Xu Dong hid in a certain dark alley, and he didn't care whether the ground was clean or not, so he sat down directly, leaning all his body weight against the wall.

Xu Dong's eyes were round and round, his eyeballs were bloodshot, the previous arrogance had completely disappeared, replaced by a kind of joy and horror for the rest of his life.

"Riding on a horse! Who is that kid? According to the data, this guy is just an ordinary person who can fight! His two moves just now are definitely true! But what level has he reached?" After Xu Dong finished speaking, he took out his phone and casually sent a prestige voice message, "The idea is difficult, the mission failed!"

Xu Dong's two sentences contain a huge amount of information...

First, this is industry slang.

Second, Xu Dong doesn't seem to be as simple as his identity on the surface. He is a kickboxing master, an Internet celebrity, and a self-proclaimed fighter against counterfeiting. It seems that he is still hiding an unknown identity...

What you see is not necessarily what you see. This sentence is really true!

In the vast world, there are all kinds of people, and everyone plays different roles. Who knows the secrets hidden behind these people?

"Stop the action and renegotiate the price." It didn't take long for Xu Dong's prestige to receive such a voice message, but the voice seemed familiar no matter how it sounded.

Xu Dong stopped talking and smashed the phone directly, crushing all the chips and memory cards inside, and then exhaled heavily, as if adjusting his breathing.

"Is the idea really that difficult?" At this moment, a voice full of jokes suddenly rang in Xu Dong's ear.

Xu Dong was taken aback, and jumped back two or three meters away from the spot, and then watched vigilantly at the owner of the voice that suddenly appeared...

"You are..." Xu Dong looked at the strange man in front of him with hesitation.

The visitor was of medium build, with cynical expressions written all over his face, but he was wearing long clothes and trousers in the scorching summer, and the cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth was even more extreme.

That's right, the person here is Tang Hao, the owner of Datang Hot Pot Restaurant!

"You followed that kid on purpose, and you didn't show up until he appeared in the Bajiquan Gym, right?"

"It seems that he is very interested in the Bajiquan Gym. It just so happened that your identity as a fake fighter came in handy. You planned to use the name of fighting to attract him and then attack him, right?"

"But you didn't expect that he was so powerful that he defeated you in two moves, right?"

Tang Hao asked three questions in a row, right? Xu Dong was speechless when he asked.

The result is also obvious, Tang Hao is right!

"Who the hell are you?" Xu Dong stared at Tang Hao with unfriendly eyes, and even put on a stance, ready to fight Tang Hao.

"You don't deserve to know who I am!" Tang Hao smiled coldly, and then transformed himself into lightning, rushing directly towards Xu Dong with lightning speed.

Before Xu Dong even had time to react, Tang Hao's iron fist was already imprinted on his chest...

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