Jiang Dong's smile is very mysterious, and even gives people a feeling that the conspiracy has succeeded.

Jiang Dong's analysis of Lin's cooperation with him was almost perfect, but he just told Miss Lin. This is not bragging, but deliberate!

Jiang Dong wanted to play a psychological battle with Lin, he even hoped that Lin Su would tell Lin Yi what he said just now!

Jiang Dong just wants to send a message to Lin Yi through Lin Su... I know your plans, but you don't know my thoughts at all!

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win a hundred battles. Jiangdong knows Lin, but Lin doesn't understand Jiangdong!

This makes it easy for Jiangdong to dominate the cooperation with Lin!

When Jiang Dong returned to dormitory 202, his three roommates had finished washing and were ready to go to bed.

Seeing Jiang Dong coming back, the three of them regained their energy and asked questions around Jiang Dong, especially Xu Yangguang, who was even more curious.


"What did Lin Su want you for?"

"And Lin Yi, what did he tell you?"

"Is it a secret? If it's not a secret, let me know!"

"I'm almost tortured to death by curiosity now!"

Xu Yangguang spoke extremely fast, which shows that he was really curious about what happened during Jiang Dong's absence.

"It's nothing serious, I guess you'll find out soon." Jiang Dong waved his hand, brushed his teeth and washed his face briefly, and climbed onto the bed.

The lights rang, and the bedroom was plunged into darkness.

But darkness can't stop Xu Yangguang's restless heart.

"Brother Dong..." Xu Yangguang lowered his voice, and whispered hoarsely: "Hurry up and tell me what's going on? I heard that the Yu family collapsed, and the Lin family was behind the operation. This is the same as Lin Yi looking for you." , must be related, right?"

"I'll talk about it tomorrow. I'm sleepy and I'm going to sleep." Jiang Dong sent Xu Yangguang away with a simple sentence, but for Xu Yangguang tonight, it was destined to be a sleepless night.

After dismissing Xu Yangguang, Jiang Dong covered himself in the quilt, and the screen of the mobile phone emitted a dazzling light, reflecting an extremely strange light on Jiang Dong's face.

"Brother Dong, Ah Kun is back and wants to see you." Zheng Yi sent a text message.

"Don't contact Akun yet, let him go back to the black cat and wait for my arrangement." Jiang Dong replied.

"Okay! I'll inform Akun! By the way, Brother Dong, Miss Leng said that Fang Nuan seems to be about to be released, what shall we do next?"

"Protect the two of them. No accidents are allowed. Once Fang Nuan comes out, let me know as soon as possible. I want to see her!"


After finishing the prestige exchange with Zheng Yi, Jiang Dong locked the phone screen.

In the darkness, the corner of his mouth curled up again, but unfortunately, no one could see it.

"Everything is ready, we only owe Dongfeng, Wei Ding, are you ready?" Jiang Dong got out of bed, looked at the ceiling, and muttered in his heart.

At the same time, Wei Ding, who was far away in Villa No. 1 of Venus Film and Television Manor, sneezed uncontrollably.

"Who's talking about me?" Wei Ding muttered with some dissatisfaction, then stood up from the top-level sandalwood grand master's chair, left the magnificent hall, and went to the basement.

The basement of Villa No. 1 is not as big as the basement of Villa No. 12 that Liu Ye said, and it is only on the same level as the hall of Villa No. 1.

However, in the basement at this time, besides Wei Ding who just walked in, there are still many people...

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