Wu Ming is a man who is stern and selfless. This can be seen from the fact that he dared to publicly slap Yu Zihao in the face before he fell.

Now that Wu Ming has become the acting director, it is even more impossible for some unruly things to happen.

Most importantly, the insurance action of the Dongfang Group made its Dongfang Bar a special existence. Letting wild donkeys openly go to the Dongfang Bar to snatch people is tantamount to suicide!

"A horse-rider!" Wei Ding lost his composure, and angrily smashed the goblet in his hand to the ground, "Jiang Dong, did he already plan this step?"

"Master Ding, is this kid really so amazing?" Wild Donkey said angrily, "He made such a big noise and created an insurance company, is it just to seek shelter at a critical moment?"

"It must be so!" Wei Ding became a little annoyed, "If he didn't plan to burn so much money for no reason, he must be a fool, but does Jiang Dong look like a fool? Surely not!"

"If this Jiangdong is really what Master Ding said, it would be too scary, right?" Qin Ming's eyes flashed with panic.

"We seem to be being led by the nose by Jiangdong all the time!" Wei Ding took a few breaths, trying to calm himself down, "Liu Ye must have known the secret of No. 12 Villa and told Jiangdong, but because of For some reason, Liu Ye did not allow Jiang Dong to testify in court, so Jiang Dong never attacked us, and instead targeted Fang Nuan, and this was the scene where Zheng Yi waited for Fang Nuan to walk out of the police department..."

After Wei Ding finished speaking, everyone in the hall fell into an awkward silence...

"On the surface, it seems that we are in control of the overall situation, but in fact, the person who really controls the overall situation is that Jiangdong!" Wei Ding's anger that had just been suppressed burned again, "And that ghost organization, the horse-riding , unexpectedly the assassination failed, really stepping on..."

After hearing Wei Ding's last words, whether it was Qin Ming, the black cat or the wild donkey, they all looked at each other, as if they dared not accept the reality...

Faced with successive unfavorable news, Wei Ding didn't know how to speak. Everything was very unfavorable to Wei Ding.

To paraphrase an Internet buzzword, Wei Ding felt that he had mastered the overall situation and stood at the level that everyone looked up to, but what about Jiang Dong?

Who knows, Jiangdong has quietly stood above the atmosphere!

"Master Ding, what should we do now?" Qin Ming took a deep breath and asked tentatively.

Wei Ding frowned, thought for a while, and then said in a deep voice: "The first task now is Liu Ye and Fang Nuan, two people who can pose a threat to us..."

"Black cat, find out the details of that Jiangdong as soon as possible, forget it, you call that Akun, I will interrogate myself!"

"Wild donkey, keep an eye on Fang Nuan and Liu Ye. If you have a chance, you can snatch Liu Ye back or kill him directly. You won't hesitate to take on a few people who are thundering. And Fang Nuan, I don't care if you use it or not." Whatever method, you must bring it to me!"

"Qin Ming, contact me with the ghost organization again. This time, I want to hire 60 million, or even 70 million or 80 million killers. I must kill Jiang Dong. As long as Jiang Dong dies, those little shrimps and dragons will have no leader." , when the time comes, we still need people to knead and knead!"

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