Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 856 Who Says Jiang Dong Can't Play Basketball

"Don't worry!" Jiang Dong calmly began to dribble, crossed the three-point line, and came to the top of the arc of the free throw line. The distance between him and Li Changde was only two steps, "Big bird bird Once, it's supposed to be telling a defender he's going to make a game shot from a certain spot and actually make it, right?"

"What do you want to say?" Li Changde frowned, and his tense nerves relaxed for a moment.

"I want to say, I'll break through from the right, pass you and score a layup." Jiang Dong's mouth curled up in a strange arc.

Before the words fell to the ground, Jiang Dong exerted all his strength, not only the speed of dribbling suddenly increased, but also the speed of the whole person instantly increased to the extreme, passing Li Changde directly from the right like lightning!

The whole process happened in an instant, before Li Changde even had time to react, Jiang Dong had already left Li Changde behind, and single-handedly killed him to the basket!

At this time, Li Changde was still standing there in a daze, while the other four players majoring in industrial design had been attracted beyond the three-point line. It was impossible to defend Jiangdong.

In desperation, everyone could only watch Jiang Dong score a layup with horrified eyes.


The basketball is hollow into the net, two to two draws!

At this time, the audience was silent.

Everyone stared intently at the basketball that fell from the net to the ground, and their eyes even moved up and down as the basketball bounced and landed...

"That's it? You can't even move?" Jiang Dong turned around and ran towards his side of the court. When he passed by Li Changde, he still taunted him.

"Impossible!" Li Changde finally came to his senses, staring at Jiang Dong's back in shock, and exclaimed in surprise.

The cheers erupted from the mine management team had completely suppressed Li Changde's exclamation.

"Our cheerleaders are so loud that I can't even hear what you're saying." Jiang Dong stood at the top of the three-point arc in his own half and looked at Li Changde playfully.

"Ah! Ahhh! I'm so mad!" Li Changde felt very ashamed, and it was fine to be eaten by Jiang Dong alone, but he hadn't reacted yet, and he was crushed by Jiang Dong in turn.

"Brother Li, don't worry, you were distracted just now." Hu Zhong dribbled the ball to Li Changde's side, and said rather annoyedly: "It's time for us to attack, let's go!"

"You're on a horse! Who said that Jiang Dong can't play basketball? As far as the speed and ball-handling ability just now, no domestic professional player can find a second!" Li Changde cursed Hu Zhong secretly in his heart, but he But he didn't show it, but called his teammates to press on, planning to score another goal and save face.

Five players majoring in industrial design dominated the first half. Hu Zhong controlled the ball with a three-pointer at the top of the arc, and the center came up with a misplaced pick-and-roll one by one. The defender changed from Guan Hai, who had some basketball skills, to a recognized soft persimmon. Xu Yangguang who flirts with girls...

"Just you, want to stop me?" Hu Zhong smiled arrogantly, looked at Xu Yangguang, who was about the same height as him, and said contemptuously, "I want to humiliate you in front of your girlfriend..."

Before Hu Zhong finished speaking, Xu Yangguang stretched out his palm with a sneer on his face, and broke the ball in Hu Zhong's hand like lightning...

"Go!" Xu Yangguang didn't even bother to look at Hu Zhong, quickly dribbled the ball through the front court, raised his arm, and the basketball flew directly to Lu Zhuang, who had already made a successful bottom.

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