It has to be said that Li Changde's physical fitness is indeed top-notch, and he is indeed the only student who has been selected for the school's basketball team. His jumping ability and dunking momentum are really not blown out.

It's a pity that Li Changde met Jiang Dong today...

Li Changde jumped up high with excitement on his face, and was about to smash the basketball into the basket with all his strength, but unexpectedly, a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of him, covering his entire face!

The smile on the corner of his mouth didn't disappear, and Jiang Dong's face with an evil smile was already reflected in Li Changde's eyes...

Although Jiang Dong was not as tall as Li Changde, after the jump, Jiang Dong was half a head taller than Li Changde, and even gave people the illusion that he stepped on a ladder and jumped into the air, and by the way, he was able to stagnate in midair for a while!

It is no exaggeration to say that Jiang Dong's jumping ability crushes all domestic professional athletes. I am afraid that only the super giants with the best physical fitness in the NBA are qualified to compare with him!

This scene frightened everyone, and made everyone cover their mouths and widen their eyes involuntarily. Even the instinctive reaction of breathing was forgotten...


An extremely crisp sound resounded through the audience!

All I saw was that with one hand, Jiang Dong abruptly slammed the basketball that Li Changde was holding in both hands and flew out!


The sound of the basketball hitting the ground crazily echoed in the stadium.


With the appearance of two crisp sounds, Jiang Dong and Li Changde landed one after another.

The difference is that Li Changde stood there stunned, the corner of his mouth was still full of the joy of being about to succeed in dunking, and he even kept his hands raised high, as if he still had the ball in his hands...

One thing to say, Li Changde is really funny...

The basketball hit the ground hard, bounced high, and flew straight towards the industrial design major's half court.

"Go!" Jiang Dong didn't bother to chase the ball, but stood still and shouted at Xu Yangguang and the others.

Finally, everyone was awakened by Jiang Dong's voice!

"Lying on the grass!"

"What did I see?"

"Jiang Dong's jumping ability is even better than that of Brother Ta Ma Antetokounmpo!"

"Crazy! Is this guy really human?"

"It's just a monster!"

"He hit the ball held by Li Changde with both hands with one hand. Isn't this power too scary?"

After a short period of dead silence, the entire gymnasium exploded, and the sound waves rushed into the sky, and there was a tendency to lift the roof of the gymnasium!

Jiang Dong's terrifying physical talent has completely subverted the audience's worldview.

At this moment, everyone felt sympathy for Li Changde who stood motionless like a clown...

And Xu Yangguang on the court was also the first to react. Without a word, he ran towards the basketball like a cheetah!

Xu Yangguang passed through the stunned defenders unimpeded all the way, receiving the ball, dribbling, and scoring an elegant layup, all in one go.

Four to two, the first class of mine management regained the lead!

Xu Yangguang, who came back from the opponent's half, surrounded Jiangdong with Lu Zhuang and others. Everyone shouted wildly, as if expressing the shock in their hearts.

"Okay, it's all a small scene." Jiang Dong waved his hand and said disapprovingly, "I'm going to beat that thing to death today!"

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