Facing Jiang Dong's murderous questioning, Li Changde almost blurted out the word "convinced", but Li Changde finally endured it because he saw Yi Tong in the crowd...

Li Changde instantly turned into a spirited young man with high fighting spirit, "Fart! I, Li Changde, would rather die standing up than..."

Before Li Changde could finish his sentence, Jiang Dong began to seduce him, "I'm convinced, even if today's game is over, you didn't lose face, did you? It's only four to two!"

To say that this Li Changde is really a guy with a simple mind and well-developed limbs. His brain is really not very bright. He actually thinks what Jiang Dong said is very reasonable...

Is he stupid?

Kind of!

But not so stupid as to be incurable!

If the game ends now and the score is four to two, there will be more or less a fig leaf left.

But if the game continues, Jiangdong's dozen or so times full of humiliation were staged in the audience, Li Changde probably will never be able to hold his head up in the School of Economics!

End now, this is called timely stop loss!

"I'm convinced!" Li Changde confessed without saying a word.

Regardless of whether Yitong can fall in love with him or not, anyway, he has to reserve the space to fall in love with other female students, right?

If he was humiliated by Jiangdong's audience today, Li Changde would probably have to live a single life for four years in college!

"Okay!" Jiang Dong achieved his goal, and walked directly to the outside of the field, "Sunshine, let's stop here for today's game, it's not too interesting."

For Jiangdong, the basketball game became unimportant. Anyway, Jiangdong also figured out the strength of his teammates in the few minutes just now. There is no need for running-in and cooperation. This kind of basketball game at the college sports meeting , what other waves can be found?

"That's good!" Xu Yangguang has already shown off his golf skills in front of Xu Mengmeng, and it's meaningless to show off. It's better to stress the playground with Xu Mengmeng.

As for Zheng Tao, Guan Hai and Lu Zhuang, the three of them would never refute Jiang Dong. What Jiang Dong said was the imperial decree!

When Jiang Dong led Xu Yangguang and the others out of the stadium and walked towards the locker room, the team members on the industrial design field instantly felt relieved, as if they had collapsed, and slumped to the ground...

The sudden end of the basketball game is tantamount to a relief for them!

"what happened?"

"do not fight?"

"Lying on the grass! I still want to watch the game!"

"Keep fighting!"

"Jiang Dong is so handsome!"

"I haven't dunked yet! Show it off!"

The competition ended suddenly, and the surrounding audience quit, especially the little sisters from the art department, who shouted crazily one by one, but they no longer cheered for the industrial design major of the department, but became I joined the cheerleading team of mine management class 1...

The basketball court was extremely noisy, but Lin Su and Yi Tong quietly left the court and walked towards the locker room. By chance, the second daughter and Xu Mengmeng bumped into each other at the door of the locker room.

"Hi, you two beauties!" Xu Mengmeng naturally knew Lin Su and Yi Tong, especially Yi Tong, who was the most likely wife of the squad leader in the School of Economics, and Xu Mengmeng naturally had a good impression of her.

"Xu, hello." Yitong greeted politely.

Lin Su, on the other hand, looked Xu Mengmeng up and down, and suddenly thought of something, "Student Xu, you bought their uniforms, right?"

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