Fang Nuan sighed secretly, "Later, I secretly investigated Villa No. 12, but I didn't find any clues... I don't know if the information I provided will be helpful to you. If so, I will Willing to appear in court to identify Wei Ding!"

As soon as Fang Nuan's words fell to the ground, Jiang Dong and Leng Xin were engrossed in listening, and couldn't help being stunned.

That's it?

This is the end?

What about the shocking secret?

In fact, the shocking secret Jiang Dong has almost gotten out of Liu Ye's mouth, what he lacks now is a witness who is willing to testify in court!

I thought Fang Nuan would be the best candidate, but Fang Nuan didn't even know what was in the basement of Villa No. 12!

It's okay to testify in court, but she doesn't understand the situation!

Jiang Dong can't teach Fang Nuan to give false testimony, can he?

It would be great if Fang Nuan and Liu Ye could become one...

"Actually, I know more about Villa No. 12 than you do. It's just that the person who gave me the information was not willing to testify against Wei Ding." Jiang Dong shook his head and said slightly disappointed: "Look Come on, I still need to start with the black cat."

Seeing the disappointed look on Jiang Dong's face, Fang Nuan immediately panicked.

In the current situation, I am afraid that only Jiangdong can keep Fang Nuan. Even if Fang Nuan really squats in the Kuyao, Wei Ding will not let her go, and infiltrates some people into the Kuyao. Fang Nuan is also a little girl. Life is at stake.

"Mr. Jiang, let me think again..." Fang Nuan waved his hands again and again, with an expression of trying to remember.

"Well, think about it again, is there any other evidence? You don't need to have the direct evidence of Wei Qiang or Wei Ding, even if it is the fuse..." Jiang Dong immediately gave Fang Nuan a reassurance, Let her think about this matter in the best state, "Don't worry, no matter whether this matter succeeds or fails, I am willing to give you a sum of money and send you abroad, or you can find an errand in the Eastern Group, and I can do the same Keep you safe."

Jiang Dong is a blank check. Anyway, Wei Ding is about to fall, and Fang Nuan doesn't need to be protected for too long. What's more, Fang Nuan has fallen into this field today. The original tax evasion document was handed over by Jiang Dong...

"Fuse?" Fang Nuan seemed to have thought of something suddenly, his expression shook, "Mr. Jiang, I think, I have one more thing that you would be interested in!"

"What?" Jiang Dong's eyes immediately glowed strangely.

"I have a recording!" Fang Nuan's expression began to ease. Before, she was afraid that Jiang Dong would not protect her, and she was a little panicked, but now it is different. She is confident that Jiang Dong will continue to provide him with protection. "From now on After Wei Qiang said those drinking words to me for the first time, I was prepared. I knew that one day Wei Qiang would dump me, so within a few days, I got Wei Qiang drunk on purpose and asked again. He had some questions about Villa No. 12, although Wei Qiang didn't say much, but Wei Ding was involved in it, and I recorded what he said!"

"Good job!" Jiang Dong finally smiled. Wei Qiang's mantra after drinking involved Wei Ding. Isn't this the perfect trigger?

Seeing Jiang Dong's smile, Fang Nuan's hanging heart finally let go, and quickly struck while the iron was hot, and pushed a key in front of Jiang Dong, "Mr. Jiang, the recording pen is at my house. There is a key in the closet of the master bedroom The hidden compartment, this is the key to my house, Mr. Jiang can pick it up at any time, the address is..."

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