Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 870: Soldiers Without Bloodshed (Part 2)

When the wild donkey gave the order, the sixty-odd strong men surrounding the front and rear doors of the Oriental Bar immediately screamed. The blood boiling in their bodies no longer allowed them to have any rational behavior.

This moment.


Hack them all!

A group of people raised their weapons and rushed towards Jiangdong and the others frantically. Leng Xin and Fang Nuanxia were already slumped on the ground with that momentum, hugging each other and weeping bitterly.

"Ayi! Keep the back! Leave the front to me!" Jiang Dong roared wildly, looking very excited, "Don't hold back, we are in self-defense now, we can kill anyone!"

"Do it!" Zheng Yi picked up the chair casually, and stood shoulder to shoulder with A Le, Wang Laowu and Changfa to block the group of people at the back door.

But in terms of numbers, Zheng Yi was at an absolute disadvantage. Ale and Changfa were seriously injured. After just one meeting, Zheng Yi and the others were repelled. They could only reluctantly keep Fang Nuan and Leng Xin from being taken away. .

On the other side, at this moment, Jiang Dong has completely transformed into a killing god!

Alone, he faced more than forty strong men with weapons. Instead of showing any fear, he took the initiative to fight with the group of strong men.

Jiang Dong's physical strength is almost at the limit of human beings. Every punch and every kick he makes can produce the kind of air explosion sound that only appears on TV through the friction of air, which sounds very terrifying. people.

In addition to the amazing momentum, Jiang Dong's boxing is indeed not a vegetarian. Wherever it passes, there is no one enemy. It was typed out like flowing clouds and flowing water, and in just a few seconds, the number of people lying at Jiangdong's feet wailing exceeded double digits!

The group of people brought by the wild donkey are fitness at best. For a cultivator with inner strength like Shang Jiangdong, it is simply a blow to reduce dimensionality. If Jiangdong hadn't kept his hand, the group of people lying on the ground would have died of anger dead!

"Lying on the grass!"

"Is he a monster?"

"Don't squeeze! I don't want to die!"

"Stand back! Don't squeeze me!"

The group of people brought by the wild donkey panicked in an instant. The people in front were frightened and wanted to retreat, but the people behind didn't know why and wanted to rush forward, which in turn caused a tragic stampede.

There is no need for Jiangdong to make another move. The wild donkey's subordinates stepped on their own people, and their own people accidentally injured their own people. The scene was called chaos!

However, the prelude to the chaos did not stop until a few minutes later, nearly half of the people were lying on the ground and howling, while the rest of the people retreated behind the wild donkey in a panic, with no time to come. The vicious momentum made everyone feel like frightened little sheep, not to mention rushing up to chop Jiangdong, even if they took a step forward, they couldn't do it!

On this side, Jiang Dong showed great power, and on that side, the group of tough men who besieged Zheng Yi and the others couldn't help but stop, because they weren't sure whether Jiang Dong would turn his guns on them in a while!

In just a few minutes, the interior of the Oriental Bar returned to the original confrontation state, but there were more than 30 people on the ground who were crying continuously...

The momentum has completely returned to Jiangdong's side!

"Go!" The wild donkey was also very guilty at this time, but he didn't dare to go up, so he could only continue to encourage his subordinates to charge.

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