"You are a despicable villain when you step on a horse! Treacherous! Shameless! Lord Ding will never let you go!" The black cat scolded Jiang Dong angrily, as if he hadn't scolded enough, and then pointed the finger at the instigator Akun, "You rebellious boy, how dare you betray me? Don't even think about gaining a foothold in the arena!"

"Brother Cat, Lord Cat, can you wake up?" Ah Kun squatted on the ground, showing a face of a villain, "What era is it now? Who still talks about the morals of the world? As long as I have If you have money, I am the boss, believe it or not, tomorrow your subordinates will become my subordinates? Hahaha!"

"Fuck! Are you a human being riding a horse? I treat you well!" The black cat cursed angrily with veins all over its face.

"Treat me well?" Akun's expression immediately turned ferocious, "Kicking me to Wucheng, is that not mean?"

"Didn't I say that I will use you again after cleaning up Jiangdong?" The black cat still did not give up instigating against Akun. It seemed that the desperate black cat had already regarded Akun as the last straw.

"Reuse me? Fuck!" Akun kicked the black cat in the face directly, "What kind of reuse is the reuse you mentioned? Do you know how Dong Ge treats me? Dong Ge treats Wei Ding I've been promised the position!"

"What?" The black cat was stunned.

Still haven't done anything, just promised Wei Ding's position to Akun?

Not to mention whether Jiang Dong can overthrow Wei Ding, even if Wei Ding is really overthrown, wouldn't Jiang Dong envy Wei Ding's position?

The black cat turned its head stiffly and mechanically, looking at Jiangdong who was licking.

"Don't look!" Xu Yang mutton skewers in one hand, beer in the other, and jokingly smiled at the black cat: "As for an opponent at Wei Ding's level, Brother Dong didn't pay attention to him at all. You can’t even look down on me, let alone Brother Dong!”

"I...fuck..." The black cat could only use these two words to respond to Xu Yang.

Because, what Xu Yang said has completely overturned the black cat's perception of Jiangdong!

It wasn't until this time that the black cat realized that he and Wei Ding had miscalculated Jiangdong's strength from the very beginning!

Compared to reusing Ah Kun, this is the most fatal mistake!

"You... How could you be the opponent of Lord Ding?" The black cat is a typical person who does not cry when he sees the coffin, and he still fantasizes about Wei Ding's comeback.

"I forgot to tell you..." Zheng Yi was gnawing on a roasted pigeon, and he said vaguely to the black cat: "About an hour ago, the wild donkey and more than sixty people under him were arrested, and they are currently on patrol. Let's eat supper!"

When Zheng Yi's words fell to the ground, the black cat's body collapsed immediately.

"By the way! There is one more thing I forgot to tell you!" Xu Yang made up the knife at the right time, "Your group of subordinates were also captured by the Nanxian District Police Department just now."

"What?" The black cat slumped down on the ground, and even its eyes became full of despair.

"Do you want to know why your lair was taken over by one pot? Do you want to know why the patrol department came out and arrested your men?" Akun walked around the black cat triumphantly, his face full of irresistible He sneered, "Because my uncle organized the loans you let go over the years, the photos you took, and the things you forced young girls into a USB flash drive, and then gave it to Director Wu!"

【Wanben Station】Official website: www.wanben.org

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