When Jiang Dong took Leng Xin, Xia Xue and Zhang Ting to the Venus Film and Television Manor for the first time, they had already discovered the abnormality of the villa, but they did not lock the target on Villa No. 12.

It wasn't until he heard the rumors about the haunted villa area that Jiang Dong realized that there was really a problem in the villa area, and it was a big problem!

In the end, Villa No. 12 gradually surfaced, and Liu Ye revealed everything. So far, the secrets of Villa No. 12 have been fully revealed.

It's just that Jiang Dong doesn't have a rough outline of how dark the "underground palace" is. I'm afraid that he can only get the most intuitive feeling after entering it in person!

"It turns out that you have noticed the villa area a long time ago, so why didn't you just rush in to find out?" Leng Xin asked curiously: "You are so good at fighting, no one can stop you, right?"

"I can fight quite well, but I'm not sure if I can stop the bullets." Jiang Dong shrugged and said half-jokingly: "Also, so what if I break into the underground palace directly? Then people push me two or five Sixth, in the end, Liu Zhong can only be unlucky, and Wei Ding is still at ease."

Jiang Dong didn't lie, he really didn't know if he could block the bullet, and he didn't plan to try it for the time being. As for breaking into Villa No. 12, doing so could only be a warning.

"Go on!" Leng Xin listened intently, but Jiang Dong suddenly stopped talking, and Leng Xin glared at Jiang Dong immediately.

"Then, I took advantage of Wei Ding's mentality that he would rather kill a hundred by mistake than let one go, implying that Wei Ding and Liu Zhong had a conspiracy."

"Subsequently, I reached a cooperation with Wei Ding in the movie "Dragon Tooth", and naturally Wei Entertainment Group was required to provide filming funds. At this juncture, I revealed the matter of Fang Nuan's yin and yang contract, and used Dongfang The yin-yang contract of the group directly pushed the fine to the ceiling, and made Wei Ding bleed severely."

"At that time, the funds of Wei's Entertainment Group have been dwarfed by comparison, and he doesn't want to let go of the fat of "Dragon Tooth". Then the psychological hint I left for Wei Ding will take effect, that is, for Liu Let's attack Tongda Media!"

"Once Liu Zhong dies, Wei Ding will certainly not let him take over Villa No. 12. In this case, he will become the mastermind on the stage from the mastermind behind the scenes."

"It's just that I didn't expect that the salon helped me and forced the desperate Liu Ye to my side. Furthermore, I solved all the mysteries about Villa No. 12."

"The rest is to find evidence."

"Including the certification of Fang Nuan's willingness to appear in court, and the physical evidence of the recording pen, especially the iron evidence of the underground palace, it is enough to make Wei Ding eat peanuts!"

Having said so much eloquently, Jiang Dong couldn't help but take a breath.

And the few people in the car were completely frightened by Jiang Dong's chess game, which could be called even layout!

Such an interlocking and precise layout, unexpectedly came from the hands of a young man who just graduated from university?

It is simply a miracle!

"Then what about the downfall of the Yu family and Wu Ming's rise to power? Could it be that you planned it too?" Leng Xin was already frightened by Jiang Dong, but continued to ask mechanically.

"The downfall of the Yu family was purely self-inflicted. That Yu Zihao provoked me. In return, I let their family down." Jiang Dong spread his hands and said helplessly: "Wu Ming's appearance was purely accidental. It's just that I counted the accident into it, yes, I admit, I took advantage of Wu Ming's justice."

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