Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 881 Wei Ding's Final Killing Move

Is Wei Ding that kind of naive person?

Being able to sit as one of the two giants in Nanxian District, Wei Ding is definitely not a naive person.

On the contrary, having experienced the baptism of conspiracy and blood, Wei Ding is more cautious and insidious than ordinary people.

But under this situation, Wei Ding still speaks harshly to Jiang Dong, things will never be so simple!

Jiang Dong even had a premonition that Wei Ding still had a backup, and for Jiang Dong, it was a fatal backup!

Xia Xue?

Wu Ming had already sent patrols to secretly protect the president of the Dongfang Group. After all, the Dongfang Group's insurance campaign was promoted in the name of Xia Xue, whoever had trouble, Xia Xue would be fine!

Yi Tong?

Yi Tong and Lin Su are roommates, and with Wei Ding's courage, he wouldn't dare to do anything in front of Lin Su, right?

The most important thing is that Wei Ding still has a way to survive. As long as he is fast enough, he still has a chance to escape. Since there is a chance of survival, why bother with Lin?

If there is a grievance with the Lin family, Wei Ding will lose even the last ray of life!

So, where did Wei Ding's confidence come from?

Jiang Dong really didn't want to understand!

Just when Jiangdong was puzzled, an old off-road vehicle appeared on the road ahead. This off-road vehicle was directly in the middle of the road, completely blocking the only road leading to Venus Film and Television Manor up!

"Could it be that this is Wei Ding's final move?" Jiang Dong was puzzled, stopped a few cars, and walked off Alfa alone.

At the same time, Zheng Yi, who was in the lead, also got out of the car, looked suspiciously at the cross-country vehicle in front of him in the middle of the road, turned his head and asked Jiang Dong, "Brother Dong, should I knock it away?"

"No need!" Jiang Dong shook his head, and said firmly: "He should be coming for me, you go to Lao Xu's car, if you have a chance, go, first go to Venus Film and Television Manor."

"Okay!" Zheng Yi has seen Jiangdong's methods before, leaving Jiangdong alone is far more likely to win than everyone else here, after all, this will not distract Jiangdong, "Leave my car to Dongge , After solving this problem, Brother Dong will come after us!"

After all, Zheng Yi handed over the car keys to Jiang Dong and got into Xu Yang's Alpha.

"Is your target supposed to be me?" Jiang Dong shouted towards the off-road vehicle: "Get out of the way, I'll stay."

When Jiang Dong's words fell, the off-road vehicle actually moved!

I saw that the off-road vehicle slowly parked on the side of the road, giving way...

Jiang Dong guessed right, the target of the off-road vehicle was indeed him!

Then, the main driver's door of the off-road vehicle was pushed open, and a strong man wearing a weird clown mask got out of the vehicle.


Every time the strong man takes a step, dust is stirred up on the ground. In terms of momentum alone, this guy is enough to crush everyone present, including Jiangdong!

"A couple of times." Jiang Dong withdrew his cynical smile, and his expression gradually became more serious, because he felt the same aura from the other party as him, "You go to the Venus Film and Television Manor first, and I will arrive later .”

Zheng Yi and the others do not doubt him, because their trust in Jiangdong is fanatical, resolute, and comprehensive...

Alpha and the white Mercedes-Benz G drove away along the road, leaving only the black Mercedes-Benz G, the old off-road vehicle, and two people on the road...

"Wei Ding sent you here?" Jiang Dong had already guessed the other party's identity.

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