Ning Siqi was about to refute Du Xiaoyu, at this moment, Jiang Dong's phone rang suddenly, a burst of rapid ringing interrupted the conversation of several people, and also broke the awkward and delicate atmosphere.

"Pick up the phone." Jiang Dong ignored everyone, but smiled apologetically at Ning Siqi, and then connected the phone.

The call was from Xia Xue, mainly to ask Jiang Dong about the "Dragon Tooth" contract. After all, this morning, Wei's Entertainment Group has declared bankruptcy, and all assets have entered the stage of judicial auction. Regarding the cooperation between the two parties Contracts, of course, have a lot to deal with.

To Xia Xue's series of questions, Jiang Dong only replied, "Just make up your mind."

After speaking, Jiang Dong hung up the phone.

Ning Siqi heard the female voice on the phone, and even heard words like contracts intermittently. She knew that Jiang Dong must be dealing with work problems, so she didn't take it to heart. It's just the relationship between the superior and the superior...

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Dong casually threw the phone on the table, looked at the people with a playful face, "What did you just say?"

"It's not important, what's important is that you don't even have a fruit phone?" Qian Qi didn't hide her contempt, and glanced at Jiang Dong with an extremely disdainful look, "Huawei P40, look at your phone, I know you don't have much money, so your watches and clothes should be counterfeit."

After finishing speaking, Qian Qi also put her Fruit 12 mobile phone on the table, and kept looking at her mobile phone and Jiang Dong's mobile phone. The smell of contempt was almost boiling!

"Do you have any objections to domestic mobile phones?" Jiang Dong turned sideways and looked at Qian Qi indifferently.

Before these few people chattered for a long time, now, it's time for Jiangdong to fight back!

Especially that Du Xiaoyu, who dared to tease and tease Ning Siqi in front of Jiang Dong, maybe he didn't know how to write the word "death"?

"I don't have any opinions on domestic mobile phones, I just have opinions on you." Qian Qi has become very confident since seeing Jiangdong's mobile phone, "Are you trying to deceive Ning Siqi and then package yourself Become a rich second generation? This method is too low-level, right?"

"I packaged myself as a rich second generation? I'm not a rich second generation at all, okay?" Jiang Dong was really helpless.

There are quite a lot of frogs in the world. Can a person's worth be judged by just a mobile phone?

Or are young people in this society so superficial and so ignorant?

A fruit phone is a rich man?

Aren't the fighters selling kidneys all rich?

This is not alarmist talk, nor is it exaggerated. This is a real phenomenon in society. Indeed, many young people will judge a person's value by virtue of a fruit phone!

Besides, Jiangdong's mobile phone was given to him by Shen Xiulian when he finished the college entrance examination, because Shen Xiulian simply didn't like foreign products.

"You're not the second generation rich, we can all see that, but it's fine if you admit it yourself, so we won't have to expose you!" Qian Qi proudly said to Ning Siqi, "How about it, Ning Siqi , let me say that you are not good as an alternative boyfriend, right? Rich people now have fruit phones, and he can't even afford a fruit phone!"

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