In contrast, the Porsche 911 that Ning Siqi drove, even if it was a limited edition, was a bit unreliable. After all, this was the car of the boss's girlfriend!

"Mr. Jiang, I know the boss of Porsche, why don't I build a bridge and help Mr. Jiang build a 91.8, that's the ceiling of Porsche!" Tao Yong smiled sadly, on the surface he felt that he had good intentions, In fact, he just wanted to suppress Jiang Dong's arrogance.

"Porsche's boss?" Jiang Dong curled his lips and said disapprovingly, "Who do you know?"

"Of course it's Han Xu!" Tao Yong looked at Jiang Dong with a smile, as if he had found an opportunity to avenge the humiliation just now.

"Call him and ask." Jiang Dong didn't say much, just leaned against the front of the 911, looking at Tao Yong with a half-smile.

Ning Siqi couldn't help pinching Jiang Dong, and asked softly, "Are you kidding him?"

"Otherwise? This guy made it clear that he wanted to embarrass me. If I didn't just sneak up on him, he really thought I was easy to bully?" Jiang Dong sneered.

"All right! You're happy!" Ning Siqi had already guessed the ending, because Ning Siqi met the Han Xu that Tao Yong was talking about when she was buying a car, and knew about his relationship with Jiang Dong.

On the other side, Tao Yong excitedly dialed the phone. In order to show his energy, he even switched to the hands-free mode. The other group of managers, except Zhang Qingshan, also watched Tao Yong's performance with half-smiles.

From this detail, Jiang Dong could see that, except for Zhang Qingshan, this group of people seemed to be ghosts.

Soon, Tao Yong's call was connected, and Han Xu's lazy voice came to everyone's ears from the receiver, "Old Tao, what's the matter?"

"Boss Han, are you busy?" Tao Yong said with a smile.

"I'm not busy. I'm very busy now. The company has changed owners. I, a small shareholder, have completely handed over the power and become a hands-off shopkeeper."

"Changed bosses? What a coincidence, our company has also changed bosses. I called Boss Han this time, just to ask Boss Han for a favor..."

"Let's hear it." Han Xu remained calm.

"Our boss drives a Porsche 911. Although it is different from other 911s and feels like a limited edition, it is still not worthy of our boss's identity. I want to help the boss build a bridge and build a 91.8... "

"Limited edition Porsche 911?" Han Xu on the phone finally became restless, "Is it the limited edition for the 20th anniversary of the Dragon Kingdom? The license plate or the magic A.BC911?"

"Hey? How does Mr. Han know?" Tao Yong took a special look at the license plate number of the Porsche 911, which was exactly the same as what Han Xu said, and couldn't help but exclaim.

Unexpectedly, after hearing Tao Yong's words, Han Xu's whole body became bad, and he even burst out with foul language, "Fuck me! Tao Yong, are you stupid for riding a horse? This car is a magic car." They are all owned by Jiang Dong, the largest shareholder of Porsche! Your new boss, shouldn’t it be Mr. Jiang?”

"I...fuck..." Tao Yong was also unoccupied, so he yelled out, and the eyes he looked at Jiang Dong suddenly became dull.

"Crazy! Don't tell Mr. Jiang that you know me! Find me, a small shareholder, to do 91.8 for the major shareholder? But the major shareholder has become the new boss of Xingmei, the capital of Shanghai. Have you lost your mind?" Han Xu hung up the phone cursingly.

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