"This second signature dish is unusual, and it is the foundation of our seaport fishing village, that is, bluefin tuna sashimi!"

"This bluefin tuna is definitely the top seafood ingredient. It is known as the Rolls-Royce of the tuna world, and it is also known as the king of sashimi. Especially the tender meat of the two gills is worth 3,000 yuan in Longguo currency. The price of ordinary fish body meat is also about 1,000 yuan per tael, of course, this bluefin tuna sashimi uses the most tender and delicate gill meat!"

After hearing the fat manager's introduction, Ning Siqi was stunned, staring blankly at the plate of bluefin tuna sashimi...

This plate of bluefin tuna sashimi is made of a super-large plate with icebergs underneath, and the steaming cold air makes this extremely expensive dish even more extraordinary.

What is rare is that the sashimi on the market is delicately divided into ten small portions, which shows the carefulness of the merchant.

But if these ten small portions fall into Ning Siqi's eyes, they will be equated with the weight...

After Ning Siqi's preliminary visual inspection, each small portion has about two taels of share, adding up to two catties, and all of them are fish gills!

One tael is 3,000 yuan, and two catties is 60,000 yuan...

Two dishes, 100,000 yuan?

Fortunately, Ning Siqi ate a sky-high priced western food at Aman Yangyun before, otherwise she would have to be ashamed today!

"That's right." Jiang Dong nodded, agreeing, "There's no need for alcohol or anything else, they all come here by car. Obeying the rules is more important than anything else."

"Okay! Mr. Jiang has any orders, just ring the bell!" The fat manager backed out humbly.

After the fat manager pushed it out, the private room suddenly fell into silence, and everyone subconsciously turned their attention to Jiang Dong...

Everyone knew in their hearts that among the ten people present, except for Ning Siqi who really came to eat, the rest were here for a meeting!

"Ding Ding Dang Dang..."


"Don't try to escape drinking!"

"Little girl, come here too, and play with Ben one less!"

"Young Master Lin, I really can't drink anymore, I promise to accompany you to the sky at night, okay?"


From the next room came the sound of toasting and yelling.

In an instant, the serious atmosphere that Jiangdong had created was broken.

"So noisy?" Zhang Qingshan frowned, and stood up impatiently, "Mr. Jiang, I'll go over and have a look, and tell them to keep their voices down so they don't interfere with our meal!"

"Go." Jiang Dong waved his hand casually.

As soon as Zhang Qingshan walked out of the private room, the waiters guarding the door immediately surrounded him, "Mr. Zhang, what's your order?"

"Tell the person in the private room next door, keep your voice down, it will affect our meal!" Zhang Qingshan said to the waiter with a displeased face, and after finishing speaking, he turned and walked into the private room.

After Zhang Qingshan returned to the private room, the waiter showed embarrassment and waved to the waiter who was guarding the door of the private room next door.

"What are you doing?"

"Brother, what are the backgrounds of those of you in the private room?"

"They're all rich second generations from the capital city, what's the situation?"

"The guests on my side asked them to keep their voices down, which affected the dining of my guests. What do you think about this?"

"What should we do? Is this something that little people like us can manage? Call the manager immediately!"

Once the two waiters got together, they might as well ask for the manager. After all, the people in these two private rooms are all heavyweights, and they can't handle it with this group of waiters.

【Wanben Station】Official website: www.wanben.org

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