Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 994 Come out to play, the cover must be highlighted (Part 1)

"The young masters next door said, you can eat it if you can, get out if you can't..." The fat manager waved his hands again and again, and said apologetically, "I didn't say that, it was the original words of the young masters next door!"

"Riding on horses!" Zhang Qingshan couldn't hold it back no matter how big the situation was, and made it clear that he was slapping him in the face in front of his new boss and old colleagues, "Who is so arrogant?"

"Mr. Zhang, I've already brought the words. I'm also in a dilemma. If you can, it's best for you to solve it yourself!" The matter was pushed back to Zhang Qingshan, very tactfully.

On the surface, the fat man pushed two five six, but in fact, he didn't give Zhang Qingshan much face.

If the fat man really gave face, how could he spread the word?

Therefore, the biggest purpose of the fat man coming in to face Zhang Qingshan is to spread the word, because this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to please those young masters next door!

Once the young masters next door are well served, maybe one of the young masters will recruit the fat man to be a licking dog if he is happy, then he will be happy!


The manager of the seaport fishing village is not as good as the licking dog next to the young masters?

Sorry, it's not as good as it is!

That's the young master of the Lin family and the Zuo family!

The manager of the seaport fishing village, what a ball!

"Okay! Fatty, I've written down what happened today." Zhang Qingshan's face became gloomy again.

How could he not understand Fatty's little thoughts?

Anyway, today this face is lost, as for whether it can be recovered, it depends on Zhang Qingshan's operation!

"Mr. Zhang, it's useless for you to write it down. I really dare not offend the gentlemen in the private room next door!" The fat man laughed coldly.

"Don't dare to offend them? What do you mean, dare to offend me?" Zhang Qingshan was about to crack.

"If you force me to make a comparison, it's like this." Zhang Qingshan said to this point, the fat man no longer hides it. If he doesn't make a statement today, Zhang Qingshan will definitely not let it go .

"Okay!" Zhang Qingshan laughed angrily, he didn't expect this fat man with low eyebrows to be so tough to him today, it seems that the person in the private room next door must have a lot of background.

"Old Zhang, you can't do it, even a hotel manager doesn't give you face?" Tao Yong fanned the flames at the right time.

"Shut up!" Zhang Qingshan cracked completely.

The anger of the next door, the anger of the fat man, now Tao Yong also jumped out to add insult to injury, Zhang Qingshan was about to be blown out of anger!

"Okay! I'll shut up!" Tao Yong didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, "I just don't know if the neighbor can shut up."

As soon as Tao Yong finished speaking, the people in the private room next door yelled loudly in cooperation, and there was applause like mountains and seas...

"Wait!" Zhang Qingshan obviously took the lead, without saying a word, he went directly to the private room next door.

Zhang Qingshan angrily pushed open the door of the private room next door, the scene inside was so unsightly...

A few young men with hair dyed red and willow green were dancing around a beautiful online celebrity with a charming figure, and surrounded by the online celebrity in the center, there was almost only a piece of cloth left on her body.

The most amazing thing is a young man with short hair who looks like a dog in a shirt and trousers. At this time, he is holding a bottle of valuable red wine and pouring down the head of the beauty with a red face...

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