Chen Ning took advantage of the fact that he had not yet started class, stood in the back row and said loudly:

"Today I will invite all the girls in the class to drink milk tea!"

Hearing this, the whole class was boiling, and

the girls were very happy.

The boy looked at Chen Ning with a look of contempt: What kind of wind does this kid smoke

? Why only invite girls and not boys?

A few boys who have a good relationship with Chen Ning shouted:

"Chen Ning! Why don't you invite us to drink milk tea!"

Chen Ning looked at these roommates and smiled: "Go down and invite you alone."

When they heard this, they smiled and said, "That's pretty much it."

The other girls looked at Chen Ning from time to time and smiled.

Only Zhang Tian had a black face and muttered in his mouth:

"Hmph." Play this with me, and I won't forgive you.

Chen Ning sat in the back row and spent four hundred yuan to buy forty cups of milk tea.

Have them delivered directly to the classroom.

After class, the delivery man carried forty cups of milk tea and found Chen Ning.

Place it on the table next to him.

The girls also flocked to Chen Ning's side.

Chen Ning stood up and sent it out with a smile:

"Here, your milk tea." "

Next. The

girl behind also automatically stepped forward and took the milk tea with a smile: "Thank you Chen Ning~" Chen

Ning looked at the hundredfold rebate on her head, and said cheerfully: "

You're welcome." Next bit. "

[CCB arrival: 1000 yuan, balance 4337732020.69 yuan] [CCB arrival: 500 yuan, balance 4337732520.69 yuan] [CCB arrival: 80 yuan, balance 4337732600.69



Watch the amount of the rebate in different multiples arrive.

Chen Ning's heart blossomed.

Although he made a total of more than 30,000 yuan.

But no matter how small a fly is, it is meat.

Not too little.

Until the last girl, Zhang Tian came over

: "Do you want to buy me with a cup of milk tea?" "

Tell you, I'm not rare!" Chen

Ning blew the empty desk:

"You think too much." I didn't prepare it for you at all. With

that, turn around and go downstairs.

When Zhang Tian heard this, she was angry: "You wait for me!" At

this time, she had already contacted Zhao Ming downstairs.

Later, he will humiliate Chen Ning.

When the other students in the class saw this scene, they gossiped one after another:

"Eh, did you find out, Zhang Tian seems to have quarreled with Chen Ning."

"This time Chen Ning bought milk tea, all the girls in our class had a share, but there was no Zhang Tian."

"Really. Go check it out, maybe there will be a good show.

With that, they all followed Zhang Tian downstairs.

I want to see how the two of them are doing.

After all, gossip between men and women is the most attractive to them.

Zhao Ming's Mercedes was parked behind Wu Mengdie's Mercedes.

Looking at the Mercedes-Benz car in front of him, Zhao Ming wondered:

"Why is there another Mercedes?"

Seeing this, Wu Mengdie, who was sitting in the car, quickly got out of the car and waved at

Chen Ning:

"Honey, I'm here~"

Seeing this, Chen Ning also waved his hand with a smile.

Zhao Ming spewed out a sip of green tea: "Lying groove!"

"Still a big beauty!?" "

Why haven't I seen this person in school before?"

Zhang Tian

also followed out of the teaching building.

Seeing Chen Ning and Wu Mengdie hugging together, the whole popularity was not good.

Stomping on the spot of Zhao Ming's car.

Zhao Ming quickly got out of the car and came to Zhang Tian: "Xiaotian, school is over."

"Go, brother take you to play."

Zhang Tian pouted angrily, "Chen Ning bullied me.

"You promised I was going to clean him up."

Zhao Ming hurriedly said: "Okay, okay, no problem, I'll go clean him up."

After that, he walked towards Chen Ning, and said as he walked: "Yo, this is not Chen Ning."

"What's the matter, a rich woman?"

Zhang Tian also came over and said, "I said why are you so generous today."

"It turned out to be a Mercedes girlfriend."

"It's yours."

After speaking, he looked at Wu Mengdie: "You said that you are a beautiful person, why do you fancy him."

"It's better to find a dog on the side of the road than him."

Wu Mengdie slapped Zhang Tian's face and said viciously: "I don't allow you to say this about Chen Ning!"

Everyone present was stunned for a moment.

Zhang Tian covered his face, looked at Wu Mengdie in disbelief, and then looked at Zhao Ming:

"Clearly, she hit me!" Zhao

Ming was confused for a while, if Chen Ning did it, he would be good to manage.

But now the two women's hands, let themselves this man how to manage,

not to mention that the other party is still a big beauty?

Wu Mengdie took the initiative to look at Zhao Ming and said: "How!

Seeing this, Wu Mengdie looked at Zhang Tian and said:

"In addition, I tell you, this Mercedes Benz car was bought for me by Chen Ning!"

Hearing this, Zhang Tian and Zhao Ming were stunned again

! This car was bought for her by Chen Ning

? How could it be?

Zhang Tian smiled angrily: "Are you crazy!



He has money to buy you a Mercedes?"

He has seven hundred yuan a month for living expenses, and he can't afford to buy a Mercedes if he sells him!" Wu

Mengdie still wanted to argue with Zhang Tian, but was stopped by Chen Ning:

"Okay, Mengdie, why talk so much to such a rat-eyed woman."

"People like her can't get into luxury cars for the rest of their lives." After

that, he opened the Mercedes door and prepared to take a seat.

But was pulled by Zhao Ming's arm.

Chen Ning turned his head to look at him: "Why, you want to fight?" Zhao

Ming snorted coldly: "Beat you dirty my hands."

"You said you were rich, do you want to compare it."

"Tomorrow afternoon, there is a luxury car race, dare not come." "

Good fellow, this is to fight for yourself.

Chen Ning smiled: "Okay, how much is a luxury car?" Zhao

Ming sneered: "At least it has to be Mercedes-Benz S-class or above." A million to come.

"If you can't afford it, just apologize to me now, I can get away with it."

"Otherwise I'll look down on you."

Chen Ning also smiled: "A million cars are also called

luxury cars?" "

Are you afraid you haven't seen luxury cars?" Zhao

Ming was obviously stunned, but he didn't expect Chen Ning to be so arrogant!

"Call you kid hard-mouthed.

"Don't think about renting a car. The race is to check the car book!" Chen

Ning shrugged: "No problem, just a few broken cars, I can still afford it."

"If you lose, dump her." Do you dare?" Zhao

Ming was given to the general by Chen Ning.

The atmosphere had already been set to this point, and he could only bite the bullet and say: "Why don't you dare!

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