These people are all old rivers and lakes, otherwise it would be impossible for them to mix under Jiang Long for so long.

But now they were directly cleaned up by Lin Feng, so that when they were taken out of Xiangtai Building by the police, they were still confused.

It wasn't until they walked out of the company building and countless flashing lights lit up at the door that they came back to their senses.

At this moment, fear fell on everyone's hearts, but they had no way to get out.

On the 28th floor, Lin Feng stood by the floor-to-ceiling window and looked down, and the people at the door on the first floor were as small as ants.

It wasn't until the police car left that Lin Feng turned around and returned to his desk.

"Lin Feng, how can you act so quickly, it is actually very risky to do so, in case they collectively attack, there will be trouble.

Liu Ruoxi said with a smile.

"Don't worry, I'm in control.

Lin Feng said forcefully.

"If you don't pretend to force you, will you die?"

Liu Ruoxi was speechless and gave him a blank look.

"Mr. Lin, the news from Yanjing has come out, and this time there has been a big commotion. "

Oh, tell me?"

Ah Cheng suddenly lowered his voice, his expression became very serious, he rarely had such an expression, obviously things must not be simple.

"Song Qing's wife's name is Wang Xiuli, although Wang Xiuli's family is not a big family with a century-old inheritance, but her father Wang Qin is... Ah Cheng leaned into Lin Feng's ear and whispered.

Lin Feng was surprised, although his eyes could see everything, he would not be bored enough to peep at everything, that was no different from a pervert.

"Did Wang Qin come forward? Do you want the Song family to give an explanation? Do you also have to Song Qing personally come to the door to apologize and take Wang Xiuli back from her mother's house?"

"Yes, but now there is news that Song Qing's father, Song Taibei, the previous helmsman of the Song family, rejected this condition, and took out evidence that Wang Xiuli was fooling around outside.

"I'm going, and this? It's a surprise."

Lin Feng was happy, and even Liu Ruoxi leaned over with interest.

"There are also 6 listed companies under the Song family, which have been falling continuously in the past three days, plus those financial institutions are predicting the decline, I am optimistic that the bearish trend will continue.

Lin Feng's heart jumped, he suddenly took out his mobile phone, his eyes swept at the news APP, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"It is worthy of a big family with a history of nearly 200 years, and the pillar of the Song family is still Song Taibei.

Ah Cheng and Liu Ruoxi were stunned.

"Lin Feng, what do you mean by that?"

"Three days later, Song Taibei will personally go to Wang Qin's house, and in the afternoon, the two sides will declare to the public at the same time that this matter is a misunderstanding, and at the same time, the controlling stake of Wanhe Real Estate under the Song Group will be in the hands of Wang Xiuli.

"It only takes 3 days for the stock price to return to its peak. "

What? Song Taibei's suit has softened, does Wang Xiuli's family really have so much energy?"

Liu Ruoxi looked at Lin Feng in shock.

"Don't worry about it for now, it's better to know less about some things.

A flash of brilliance flashed in Lin Feng's eyes, and he brought the matter over.

"Ruoxi, how long will it take for the team in Guangcheng to arrive?"

"It should be soon, and they will be in place at noon tomorrow, but they can also work on the road, and these people are definitely the elite in the industry." "

Okay, then entrust them, at 5 o'clock this evening, use my social account to post it, 2 days later, at 4 p.m., you can buy all the shares of Song's industries with a heavy position, and then sell them at 4 p.m. 3 days later.

Liu Ruoxi asked in surprise: "What time is this accurate, Lin Feng, are you sure?"

"Go, this is an opportunity to make money, inform your grandfather, don't miss such a good opportunity."

Liu Ruoxi really took out her mobile phone and started calling.

At more than 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Feng's private account was updated, and in just 20 seconds, the number of clicks on the statement he released exceeded 1 million, which subverted many people's cognition.

Inside the No. 1 sales center of Pujiang, Shanghai.

"Second master, the situation in Yanjing is now deadlocked, the relationship between the Song family and Wang Xiuli's family is very tense, with this view, Song Taibei obviously will not admit his mistake so easily, will the stock price rebound in 2 days?"

"How much cash do I have."

"Second master, there are about 2 billion!"

"According to what Lin Feng said, at 3:58 p.m. 4 days later, you arrange for someone to sweep the goods, how much can be scanned."

"I see.

And at this moment, Liu Changsheng of Guangcheng did not have the slightest suspicion after receiving a call from his granddaughter, and in just one hour, he had scraped together enough 1 billion cash to prepare for a big job.

At the same time, the Internet exploded, and Lin Feng's remarks spread ten or ten hundreds, and in just half a day, the whole country knew about it.

Yanjing, the backyard of the Song manor, Song Qing knelt on the ground, lowered his head, and didn't dare to say a word.

5 meters in front of him, on a Taishi chair, an old man about the same age as Liu Changsheng looked indifferent.

"Dad, you spare me once. "

Hmph, Song Qing, if it weren't for my son, I could have killed you a hundred times, and I would have lost my face by you for doing so many immoral things.

At this time, there was a middle-aged man beside him who was similar to Song Qingqi or eight points, and he looked at his mobile phone, he was Song Chenggong, who was now at the helm of the Song family.

"Dad, that one named Lin Feng updated his social account and predicted the future stock market trend of our industry.

"I've heard of him a long time ago, don't pay attention to it, wait until this matter is resolved, and then settle accounts with him."

At this moment, another middle-aged man hurriedly ran in at the gate of the courtyard.

"Old Song, the news from the Wang family has arrived, and Wang Qin said that this matter can be resolved peacefully, but there are two conditions. "

Which two?"

The first is for Mr. Song to apologize personally, and the second is for the shares of Wanhe Real Estate. "

Dad, that's too much.

Song Chenggong frowned.

"Dad, I can't promise them this.

However, Song Taibei frowned, and finally stood up with a frown.

"Prepare the car, I'll go to Wang's house.

When Song Qing heard this, her face showed joy, but Song Chenggong gritted her teeth and didn't speak again.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, the matter of Song Taibei's secret meeting with Wang Qin spread all over the country, and at about 11 o'clock in the evening, a blockbuster news came out, and

Song Taibei compromised, not only making Song Qing apologize, but also giving the other party Wanhe 55% of the shares.

At 9 a.m. the next day, after the stock market opened, the shares of the Song family began to rebound violently, and the momentum was beyond imagination.

At the same time, Lin Feng's statement on social accounts was finally sounded. ,

Pujiang No. 1 sales center, a mysterious middle-aged man called the second master looked at the news and grinned.

"Feng Gang, look at it, I have a hunch this time, I have more pocket money on my body?

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