Liu Changsheng's words made Song Liang stunned, but he didn't believe this nonsense at all in his heart.

What is the status of your grandfather? And since he was a child, he likes himself the most, and he will smoke himself?"

"Hmph, but you asked me to call, I tell you, you treat me like this, my grandfather will not let you go."

Song Liang picked up his mobile phone and quickly dialed the phone.

At 7 p.m., the Song Manor was brightly lit.

Song Taibei, who was waiting for news in the backyard, saw the mobile phone on the table vibrate, and got up sharply to pick it up.

When he looked at the screen of his phone, his heart trembled.

The call turned out to be from Song Liang, he had been calling for a long time before, and the other party was in a state of shutdown.

"Hey, is it Xiaoliang, where are you now?"

"Grandpa, I'm in the banquet hall on the top floor of the Wanguo Hotel, you can bring someone to rescue me, they won't let me go, and they said that you want to come and pick me up in person." "

What? How can this be reasonable, Xiaoliang, are you injured? Who else is there at the scene?"

Song Taibei's tone was faintly angry.

"Grandpa, Lin Feng is here, as well as Liu Changsheng's family, and the people who brought me here.

"Okay, good, good, you wait, I'll bring someone over right away."

After hanging up the phone, Song Taibei got up and walked to the front yard, at this time, the rest of the Song family all went out to inquire about the news, and no one else was there.

"Come here. A

young man with his head down was called over by Song Taibei.

"Master, may I ask what's the matter?"

"Let me ask you, how many people are still available in the family?"

"Master, most of the people have gone out to inquire about the news, and there are less than 30 people in the family who can use it." "

Go and make arrangements, depart in 10 minutes, destination Wanguo Hotel. "

Yes, I'll arrange it. The

young man left quickly, but Song Taibei didn't notice that the moment this person left, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a strange smile.

Ten minutes later, at the gate of Song's Manor, Song Taibei got into a Mercedes-Benz business car.

Followed by three vans, this pomp and circumstance is not big, but this move almost alarmed the entire Yanjing.

Only five minutes later, the news that Song Taibei went to the Wanguo Hotel to save his grandson Song Liang had already spread.

The media from all sides flocked to the hotel, and in less than ten minutes, the hotel gate was already blocked.

In the private room, Uncle Tian opened the curtains and looked down.

"Elder Xu, there are a lot of reporters down there. "

Let them go, what's wrong? I invited Young Master Song to a meal, and it is also worthy of media coverage?"

The domineering and confident tone was by no means pretended.

He is not afraid of the Song family and the Yanjing media at all.

A beam of high beams came from a distance, and the rapid sound of the horn sounded wildly.

The reporters looked back and immediately gave way to the road.

The car stopped smoothly at the door, and Song Taibei stepped out of the car with a cold face.

At this time, the owner of the Wanguo Hotel hurriedly greeted him from the gate.

"Old Song, why are you here?"

"Why am I here?" Someone caught my grandson eating here, don't you know?"

The hotel owner is a middle-aged man, and he can be regarded as an upper-class person in Yanjing, after all, his hotel is very famous and favored by many bigwigs.

"Old Song, you are serious, the reputation of the Wanguo Hotel in the capital is still okay, how can you do such a thing?"

"Chen Yongfa, I don't think you want to open a hotel? Who is sitting in the VIP private room upstairs? You tell me?"

Chen Yongfa was stunned for a moment, and then his expression was slightly strange.

"Old Song, don't you know the person sitting in the VIP private room?"

"Nonsense, my grandson is also in there, you won't know it,

right?" "Old Song, I think you misunderstood, you said that the person in the private room kidnapped your son?"

Song Taibei sneered.

"Chen Yongfa, I see that you have opened a hotel too smoothly in recent years, what's the matter? Could it be that there are some big people sitting inside?"

"This 。。。。。

Chen Yongfa was a little hesitant for a while, not knowing whether to say it or not.

"Get out of the way, don't force me to turn my face.

At this time, Chen Yongfa's expression suddenly became serious.

"Old Song, I advise you to figure it out, otherwise it may be a little troublesome. "

Hmph, get out of the way, I want to see who dares to stop me today." "

The reporters around me were all very excited, and something big was bound to happen in this place tonight.

Chen Yongfa was pushed away by the bodyguards brought by Song Taibei, and a group of people walked towards the hotel.

The scene suddenly fell into chaos, at this moment, a large number of security guards poured out of the hotel, and at the same time, the guests dining on the first floor were also alarmed, and they showed frightened expressions one by one.

"Old Song, don't go too far, you can't afford to mess with the people upstairs.

Song Taibei stopped and laughed angrily.

"People I can't mess with? Okay, I'd like to see which god it is, I can't afford to mess with it.

At this moment, a cold voice sounded.

"Oh, you want to see which god it is? Xiao Song, I haven't seen you for many years, you haven't learned anything else, but your temper has grown a lot.

Xu Changsheng walked out of the stairs with his hands behind his back.

Lin Feng and the others followed behind, and a group of people walked down in a mighty manner.

"Grandpa, you're finally here, these people are so hateful, they even detained me here, and they were ashamed to say that they wanted you to pick me up, and you must help me get angry.

Song Liang beside him roared angrily, ran down the stairs with a brisk step, and hid directly behind Song Taibei.

However, the next scene surprised everyone.

After Song Taibei was stunned for a short time, his face suddenly changed, and his wrinkled face suddenly showed a trace of horror.

"Old. . . Old.. Old leaders. You.. Why did you come to Yanjing?

"What's the matter? Didn't you say that there is no one in Yanjing that you can't afford to mess with?

"No, old leader, I didn't know it was you who came, I. . .

His eyes rolled, and when he saw Lin Feng standing behind him looking at him with a smile on his face, a chill suddenly emerged from the soles of his feet.

"Old leader, listen to my explanation, there must be a misunderstanding in this matter.

"Misunderstanding? Your Song family is so powerful, this young man has a lot to do with my grandson, if I don't show up at the airport today, I'm afraid that people have been taken away by your grandson, he can forcibly invite someone to dinner, can't I?"

"No, no, no, you can, you can, my unfilial grandson has been used to growing up by me since he was a child, and he really lacks discipline, and it is his blessing that you can help me discipline him." "

Hehe, Xiao Song, you are still so cunning, okay, I have other important things to do when I come to Yanjing this time, I don't bother to take care of your Chen Gu rotten sesame things, it's just that treasure appraisal meeting, I hope you can do it fairly, don't cheat me."

"Yes, yes, no, as a notary, I will definitely ensure the fairness of the treasure auction."

Xu Changsheng raised his eyes and glanced at Song Taibei, turned around and walked upstairs without saying anything.

"Grandpa, what the hell is going on?"

"Shut up, go back and talk about it." "


-The author has something to say:

It seems that no one reads it... Yikes

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