
This time, Liu Changsheng and Liu Ruoxi stood up at the same time.

They looked at Lin Feng with frightened eyes, their hearts full of vigilance and uneasiness.

"Haha, so excited? It's okay, sit, I know that person is just here to protect you just in case, as a personal bodyguard, he is very qualified.

"I think Mr. Liu is also a person of affection, Wang Cheng is the descendant of your comrade-in-arms, right?"

"How do you know Ah Cheng's full name?"

Liu Ruoxi asked in a frightened tone, Wang Cheng's information is top secret, and it is impossible for outsiders to know his information.

"Wang Cheng, 32 years old this year, has a 5-year military career, belongs to the sniper of the Iron Hammer Special Team of the Southern Military Region, and after retiring 2 years ago, he went to work at your Liu family and served as Mr. Liu's personal bodyguard, this kind of master is very difficult to meet.

Liu Ruoxi and Liu Changsheng glanced at each other, their eyes changed, and their impression of Lin Feng changed dramatically at this moment.

To be able to know so much information, either it was found, and there is a possibility that it is a bit metaphysical, could it be that Lin Feng really knows how to tell hexagrams?

The mentality of the two has changed, and Lin Feng knows it well.

"What's going on? Old Liu, do I need to give you a hexagram? But it's not free.

Lin Feng showed a wicked smile, in his eyes, the old man in front of him not only had an amazing background, but also his own cash cow, the most important thing was that Lin Feng knew that he needed connections now.

"Mr. Lin is really a god, young, with strange arts, it seems that I have lost my eyes, I am an old man, it doesn't matter if I live or die, but the family is big, and I really can't let it go at will.

If I'm not mistaken, you're an atheist, right?"

Lin Feng's eyes looked directly at each other, as if he could penetrate people's hearts, Liu Changshen's body trembled, revealing an embarrassed smile.

"Forget it, you really have no ill will towards me, I can calculate a hexagram for you, but 500 million hexagrams, is it your decision.

"What? 500 million? Are you robbing money?" Liu

Ruoxi stared, her face was frosty, she felt that the young man in front of her was too shameless.

"Ruoxi, Mr. Lin is worth this price, 500 million transactions, and I can pay you first.

Liu Changsheng didn't talk nonsense, and directly took out the phone and called.

Two minutes later, Lin Feng looked down at his account and trembled in his heart.

This is a rich man, and a phone call of 500 million has arrived.

Lin Feng pretended to be calm, at this moment he seemed to be possessed by a magic stick, his eyes looked at Liu Changsheng, sometimes frowning and sometimes glaring, and after a while, he shook his head and sighed, which made Liu Changsheng's heart go up and down.

"Lin Feng, don't be pretentious, the money has already been given to you, can you say something useful?"

Lin Feng squinted his eyes and skimmed Liu Ruoxi, and said in a dissatisfied tone: "Why don't I return the money to you?

"Ruoxi, don't interject, let Mr. Lin see.

Liu Ruoxi pursed her lips, although she was dissatisfied, but at this moment the curiosity in her heart was also suspended.

Lin Feng pretended to walk to the window, and the five fingers of his right hand kept swinging, not to mention that he really had the temperament of a fortune teller.

"Ahem, Mr. Liu fought on the battlefield in the bloody battle, and he made countless achievements, and his life was very hard, but in the same way, he created too much killing karma, if it weren't for your merit, bad luck would have come a long time ago. "

Mr. Lin, please also point me to the secret realm.

Lin Feng smiled incomprehensibly, took out a blank piece of paper, picked up a pen on the table and began to write.

Five minutes later, a paragraph of more than 100 words was written, and Lin Feng pushed it in front of Liu Changsheng.

"Mr. Liu, look at it for yourself, the misfortune comes from the mouth, and some things are said to lose life.

Liu Changsheng picked up the white paper, and Liu Ruoxi next to him also leaned his head over, and the two glanced at the white paper, and their eyes suddenly suddenly.

"Four days later, when I returned to Guangcheng, on the way home, a Rolls-Royce collided with a truck, causing a serious car accident, and I died?"

Liu Changsheng read out the contents of the blank paper, even if he had a good heart, it was difficult to maintain his composure at this time.

"Grandpa, I'll just say he's a liar, the way we go back is either the Ring Expressway or the highway, and trucks are not allowed to go up that section of the road, how could we be hit by trucks?"

Lin Feng spread his hand and shook his head helplessly.

"Believe it or not, I have collected 500 million, if Mr. Liu is not afraid of death, he can risk his life, if you believe what I said, I will guarantee that you can live to be 100 years old, of course, the price still has to pay a little. "


" exhaled a deep breath, and Liu Changsheng stood up.

"Mr. Lin, I have been galloping in the mall for so many years, and I am used to seeing life and death on the battlefield back then, everything must be seen to be believing, I will remember this hexagram today, and I hope that there will be a chance to meet in the future. "

I don't send it.

Watching the two leave, Lin Feng didn't move at all, obviously not planning to send each other.

It wasn't until the other party left that Lin Feng took a breath, he was actually quite nervous, but when he picked up his mobile phone and saw the arrival record of 500 million, he couldn't help but be happy.

This money is inevitably too easy to make, and this time the purpose has been achieved, he firmly believes that it will not be long before the other party will take the initiative to find him, 500 million is just to earn it by the way, his real purpose is to get in touch with the other party and pave the way for his future.

At 10 o'clock in the evening, in the presidential suite of the Intercontinental Hotel, Liu Changsheng was on the phone, but his tone was mixed with shock, as if he had heard some terrible news.

"Shengying, are you sure? 4 days later, I will fly to Guangcheng Tianyun International Airport at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and there will be trucks passing by then?"

"Okay, I know, in this way, the car that picks me up is still arranged, and when the time comes, Ruoxi and I will take the subway back, by the way, I will give the driver who picks up the airport personal insurance, remember, leave according to the time when the plane arrived as originally planned."

"Leave it alone, I just want to confirm one thing.

After hanging up the phone, Liu Changsheng's breathing was faintly short.

"Grandpa, what's wrong? What did Dad say?"

"There is a batch of flood relief materials, which will land at Tianyun Airport in 4 days, and there will be a specially approved truck to pick up the goods, and we will go home on a route." "

Grandpa, this is a coincidence, right?"

Liu Changsheng shook his head.

"I don't know about this, but just in case we take the subway at that time, there will be no danger with Ah Cheng here, and I want to see if Lin Feng's hexagram is accurate.

For a while, both the grandfather and grandson frowned, at this moment, instead of learning more about Lin Feng, they felt that this young man seemed to be more and more mysterious.


The author has something to say:

Ask for a change! Ask for a gift, 6,000 words today, strive for 10,000 words!

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