At this time, Ji Jun had completely let go, he no longer hid his feelings, and his eyes were full of love for Yin Xue.

But Yin Xue's expression was cold, and even her attitude towards the third runner-up was a little indifferent.

"Ji Jun, do you think I will really fall in love with you?"

Yin Xue looked at Ji Jun without the slightest emotion.

"What do you mean? I gave everything for you, and we were at the campsite... "

Huh, campground, you don't really think I'm in love with you, do you? The

third runner-up was stunned, thinking that after going through many hardships, the relationship between himself and Yin Xue had been sublimated again, but obviously the ideal was very happy, and the reality was too skinny.

"Ah Xue, what do you mean? I mean it to you.

"Really? Hehe, you are very powerful, you are very skilled, but why are you so simple? I follow you, how can you raise me? I went abroad, and you raised me as a mercenary? What if you die? What should I do?"

Yin Xue stood up and glanced at the other party coldly.

"Don't be naïve, you can't give me what I want, I'm leaving now, you can do it yourself. The

third jun's mind was completely defeated, and the woman ruthlessly got up to kill the power of any weapon in seconds, this cold-blooded killer who killed people without blinking, and the worldview completely collapsed at this moment.

One sat slumped on the ground, staring at each other with blank eyes.

For Yin Xue, he cuckolded his boss, he had no way out, and Yin Xue abandoned him at this time.

"Ah Xue, where are you going?"

"I, I'm going back to Hong Kong Island."

"You're crazy, Jiang Sheng will kill you."

"Hehe, yes, he must be annoyed, but he won't kill me, I'm still useful, and I know a lot of his secrets. The

third runner-up suddenly had a hint of hideousness on his face.

"Yin Xue, why are you doing this to me?"

"No, I will only live for myself in this life, in Guangcheng, in order to get out, I can only use you, I didn't expect it, Lin Feng still softened, and fulfilled our pair of outlaw mandarin ducks, he is still too young."

Yin Xue thought self-righteously that Lin Feng was soft-hearted in Guangcheng at that time, so she let them go, but in fact she was very naïve.

"You're too ruthless. "

Xiao Ji, you are a good person, let me remind you, you have to remember what is the most poisonous woman's heart. The

runner-up suddenly calmed down.

"Yin Xue, do you know Jiang Sheng's character? You go back, there is life or death, I have an affair with you, now the whole network knows that you have cuckolded the most powerful person on Hong Kong Island.

"Is there any evidence? These public opinion media revelations are all written revelations, and I am sure that I can persuade him to go back and I don't expect to return to my previous position, but at least I can continue to live."

Speaking of this, a trace of unwillingness appeared on Yin Xue's face.

"My biggest mistake was to underestimate Lin Feng, I didn't expect that at such a young age, I would have such a heart, and I didn't fall for it, otherwise it would be perfect.

Yin Xue was very disappointed, according to her original thoughts, Lin Feng was the best chess piece, but unfortunately, she underestimated the other party, that young man was as terrifying as the devil.

At this moment, the third runner-up's mobile phone suddenly vibrate.

He pulled out his phone, unlocked the screen, and looked down at the obvious expression, but soon, a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

This smile was very sickly, and gradually his laughter became louder and louder, and suddenly, he raised his head and looked at Yin Xue with the pleasure of revenge in his eyes.

Yin Xue's body involuntarily took two steps back.

He had never seen this kind of look from the other party, or he had never seen it in himself.

"You... What do you want to do?"


Xiao Ji laughed maniacally.

"Do you think you won? Yin Xue, Yin Xue, we were all cheated by Lin Feng. “|

"What do you mean?" Yin

Xue asked with a frightened look in her eyes, feeling a little uneasy in her heart.

"Do you think Jiang Sheng will spare you if you go back? The

mobile phone was thrown directly at Yin Xue's feet, she lowered her head, and picked up the mobile phone with trembling hands, at this time, a conspicuous headline appeared in front of her.

At present, the incident has caused a huge sensation on the Internet, and the Renaissance Group under its name is composed of an auction house and a jewelry company, with a market value of trillions, but after this news broke, the group's stock price plummeted, and in just 1 hour, the market value evaporated by 500 billion.

"How can this be? Why is this happening, what the hell is going on?"

Ji Jun stood up and looked at Yin Xue coldly.

"Why? All our actions are controlled by people, and people are watching us along the way.

"Who did it? Aren't you the king of soldiers?"

"That's right, my strength in today's world, there are few people who can beat me in individual combat, but unfortunately, we have seen one before. "

Who is it?"

Liu Changsheng's personal bodyguard Ah Cheng.

"Damn, so Lin Feng did this?"

At this time, Ji Jun suddenly calmed down, and he took a deep look at Yin Xue.

"Ah Xue, Lin Feng is terrible, even if this person is Jiang Sheng, he is not necessarily an opponent, I can't see through him, now we have no way out, you come with me, no matter how bitter it is, I will not let you be wronged."

Yin Xue was stunned for a moment, her eyes staring.

"You really don't hate me?"

"Xue, I love you."

"Okay, I'll go with you. The

third runner-up showed joy on his face, he really liked Yin Xue.

"Ah Xue, pack up your things, let's go immediately, this time I must find out what followed us along the way, let them disappear, I want Lin Feng to know that I am not easy to mess with."

After saying that, he turned around to get the backpack on the bed, and at this moment, Ji Jun's muscles suddenly contracted, and he felt a cold wind blowing behind him.

Defenseless, he felt a great sense of crisis.

At this moment, there was a huge pain in the back of his head.

Turning around sharply, Ji Jun looked behind him in horror, his body fell to the ground, and the blood stained the cement floor.

Yin Xue looked at the third runner-up indifferently.

"I will tell Mr. Jiang, you coerced me to do all this, and I have no choice, I can only obey in order to survive, Xiao Ji, you are not human.

Xiao Ji's eyes were full of disbelief, he didn't expect Yin Xue to be so ruthless.

Feeling that his life was passing rapidly, for the first time, a trace of sadness rose in Ji Jun's heart, and at the same time, Yin Xue's beautiful face was like a demon in his eyes at the moment.


A weird laugh sounded, Yin Xue frowned, and said coldly: "What are you laughing at?"

"I laugh at me for being stupid, I laugh at my love for being wrong, since I'm going to die, you can go to hell with me. -


The author has something to say:

Happy weekend everyone!

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