Preparation before departure

When getting off the car last night, Liu Tao was determined to ride away someone else’s electric scooter. The driving guy almost cried. Isn’t this how a loss-making business is done?

In the end, it took a lot of effort and several people to drag this guy home.

The three people laughed wildly in the group.

Liu Tao said that he did not remember doing such a thing at all. Could it be that he had lost his ability to drink?

Afterwards, several people chatted in the group for a while. All three of them booked flights for tomorrow and set off in the morning. Qin Mo said he would see you again during the winter holidays.

“I heard that the goose stewed in iron pots in Northeast China is good. I might try it when the time comes.” Chen Chao said.

“Lu Nan’s fried chicken is also good.” Liu Tao replied.

“Tsk, snail powder yyds.” Wang Hui was not to be outdone.

Good guys, I’ve already prepared the food guide. Are you going to college?

Qin Mo expressed strong condemnation. Tianfu’s rabbit head and Sichuan cuisine are classics, okay?

Regarding food, there is a joke on the Internet. It is said that Hangzhou is a food desert. When you come to Hangzhou, you must experience the specialties of Xiahang City, Babi Steamed Buns and Splatoon Set Meal.

Regarding this point, Qin Mo said…

well, maybe it’s a matter of taste.

Qin Mo left the group chat.

He also had to pack his luggage in advance, but his luggage was relatively simple, just some summer and autumn clothes, and an Apple laptop.

Basically a larger suitcase will do the trick.

He plans to send his AMG GTR PRO to the towing company tomorrow, and then pick up the Patek Philippe 5160R-001 by the way.

After all, it was worth more than one million. After buying it, he only wore it for a few hours before he threw it in the underground garage of Xintiandi to eat ashes. I wonder which Patek Philippe watch owner is as arrogant as Qin Mo?

After packing his luggage, Qin Mo was going to watch the live broadcast. Today, the young anchor Yang Keer actually asked for leave. He was really distracted. He had no choice but to watch the dance area casually, but Director Wang hadn’t started broadcasting yet.

Qin Mo expressed his pity, and then sent Shen Xiyu an invitation to the king on WeChat. Shen Xiyu got back on her horse and arrived in seconds. She had knelt for nine consecutive days in the past few days and was in urgent need of a master to take her away.

Then the two began their happy journey to score points.

Happy time is always short, and it was already five o’clock before I knew it. Qin Mo said something to Shen Xiyu in the game, and then went offline.

Wang Xia and Qin Jianming also came back at this time. Because Qin Mo was going to Tianfu soon, Wang Xia was preparing to cook at home these days.

Not surprisingly, braised pork ribs must be included in today’s cuisine, and as expected, Qin Mo guessed it correctly.

After dinner, Qin Jianming asked what car he planned to buy when he got there. Qin Mo didn’t answer, but instead revealed that he wanted to start a business.

It was like giving Qin Jianming and Wang Xia a vaccination first, so that he would not have to explain for a long time later.

“You want to start a business?” Qin Jianming was surprised.

“Yes, the business environment there is pretty good. If there is a reliable opportunity then, you can definitely consider it.” Qin Mo responded calmly.

“It’s a good idea that you have, but don’t blindly follow the trend. You must do your research to avoid all the funds being wasted.” Qin Jianming, as someone who has been through this, does not object to Qin Mo’s entrepreneurship, but is very pleased with it.

After all, Qin Mo should have his own life, and he can’t live under his own shadow all his life. It’s a good thing to have ideas.

However, he still mentioned the risks of starting a business, which was a warning to Qin Mo.

Qin Mo was moved. Sometimes, parents’ support and encouragement are the greatest help to their children, and this unconditional support is the most precious wealth.

“Don’t worry, dad.” Qin Mo responded with a smile, without saying much.

“Well, if you don’t have enough money, tell me. As long as you don’t ruin our old Qin family’s fortune, you can do whatever you want.” Qin Jianming responded.

Qin Mo laughed out loud and joked: “Dad, have you heard of the recent term, richer generation?”

“What is richer generation?” Qin Jianming was confused.

Then Qin Mo told Qin Jianming about this joke, and Qin Jianming immediately laughed and scolded: “You bastard, I’ll be thankful if you don’t ruin my and your mother’s pension money.” ”

Haha, don’t worry, I’m the worst. I’ll leave you some pension insurance money.” Qin Mo teased.

Qin Jianming laughed and cursed again, and then the father and son watched TV in the living room, while Wang Xia was clearing the dishes in the kitchen.

The next day.

In the Xintiandi underground garage, Qin Mo found his AMG GTR PRO, opened the trunk, took the Patek Philippe 5160R-001 out of the box and put it on his hand, then opened the frameless door and got in.

He now wants to drive the car to the shipping company and sort out the insurance issue first.

Forty minutes later, Qin Mo arrived at the shipping company and explained the situation to the staff. After the latter checked the condition of the vehicle, he calculated the cost and informed Qin Mo that the total was 19,000 yuan.

It was only two hundred yuan more expensive than he expected, which was completely acceptable. It took ten minutes to resolve the insurance and payment issues, and the shipping company guaranteed to deliver it on time in two days.

Qin Mo nodded, handed the car to them, and took a taxi to leave. There was also an LV printed denim jacket and orange sunglasses he bought in Shanghai last time in the car.

These things were all consigned to Tianfu on the cart.

The bank card with the last number is 6837 spent 19,000 yuan, and the balance is 6,134,997 yuan.

A text message came on the phone. Qin Mo took a quick look and saw that three days of blessing money had been credited to the card.

Open a WeChat group with several people.

Liu Tao: “Dad is gone, don’t miss me.”

Wang Hui: “+1”

Chen Chao: “+1”

Qin Mo smiled, and then he sent the emoticon he stole from Yang Keer directly to the group.

After exiting the group chat, he clicked on Tang Shiyi’s avatar and sent a message, “Are you leaving?”

Within half a minute, Tang Shiyi replied: “Not yet, I’m packing my luggage.”

Because the Limo City in Hangzhou is also It’s only two hours away, so there’s no need to panic.

Then he took a photo for Qin Mo, which was a photo of the luggage. Qin Mo was surprised to see that there were two large suitcases, and there were still a lot of clothes on the bed that had not been packed away.

Are you sure this is school?

Not moving?

Okay, maybe girls have too many clothes.

“Okay, don’t miss me.” Qin Mo teased.

“[狗头][狗头] Then I fly to Tianfu to find you?” Tang Shiyi replied.

Qin Mo laughed out loud when he saw this message, and then replied directly: “This can be done, but it must be arranged at the highest level when the time comes!”

Tang Shiyi: “[Rolls eyes] Humph!”

What does this expression mean?

Are you thinking something wrong again?

Qin Mo said he couldn’t understand. Could it be that his constitution was poisonous? Does it have the ingredients of a dirty demon king?

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