Inside the law firm.

Ou Qianqian's eyes widened and she stared at Zhang Chi in the picture.

She couldn't help but be a little stunned. What on earth was this guy doing?

A good boss doesn't do anything, but goes to experience life and deliver food. But why don't he just deliver food, but he even runs to do something brave in the middle of the road!

This was all on TV, he was flying over the roof and over the wall, and those who didn't know thought he had been bitten by a spider!

Zhang Chi doesn't dare to get down to business day by day. What is he thinking about?

Ou Qianqian couldn't help but dumbfounded. Although it is a good thing to act bravely when there is a right, one must act within one's ability and not just show off one's strength.


"Why! Brother, be careful!"

"No, I can't stand it anymore, I'm so scared! It would be okay if I saved someone, but if I didn't, it would be over if I fell down!"

"My safety comes first, be careful!"

"Yes, yes, safety is the most important thing, so be careful!"

"That is, hold on tight and don’t be in a hurry!"

The onlookers were chirping, and you encouraged me with your words.

In fact, during the climbing process, there was no rope fixed, the visibility was very low, and there were many blind spots!

The climbers could only see what was in front of them. These things could not be seen clearly from above, resulting in too many uncertainties in the starting position, so the uncles and aunts below began to give orders and wanted to help Zhang Chi!

"That's right, point your foot to the left and step firmly! Yep! That's it!"

"Step on that railing! Then hold your hand firmly to the left, and that's it, you can go up!"

Zhang Chi looked at the railing more than three meters away from him...

Damn, isn't this nonsense? I have those long legs?

Who is this nonsense and shouts, you think I ate rubber fruit? ah!

"Uncle Liu, look how far that railing is! How can we get this? Aren't you making trouble? This is it!"

"Okay, okay, everyone is kindly reminding you, but please stop for a while and don’t cause trouble to me. There are still us professionals here!"

The firefighters spoke up and stopped the masses from giving random instructions.

The firefighters took over the command work instead of the masses.


The situation is extremely tense and the fire is spreading!

Fortunately, Zhang Chi jumped up from the air conditioner on the third floor with a strong effort and reached out to grab the balcony on the fourth floor!

Then he pulled hard with both hands and climbed steadily to the fourth floor! hiss!! This scene is amazing! The firefighters present applauded unanimously for the textbook-like operation!

The onlookers were so frightened that they almost had a heart attack:" it possible that this young man knows kung fu?"

A middle-aged brother said:"No, this skill is simply unbelievable. If there is a slight mistake, it will be terrible." It really fell down!"

Everyone was shocked when they saw it.

This is a heifer riding a rocket, and the cow is beeping so high into the sky!


Several detectives and firefighters remained silent and looked serious. At this time, they discovered a serious problem.

What to do about anti-theft network?

The delivery guy didn't bring any tools up there, so he couldn't get into the room even on the fourth floor!

This is a fatal problem. At first, I was shocked by the little brother's skill, but no one expected this.

But at this moment, everyone discovered that the delivery boy had no dismantling tools at all!

"quick! Find a way to send the fire pliers up."The fire captain on the side hurriedly commanded.

The situation is urgent and no delay can be tolerated.

No one knows when the fire will spread to 401, let alone how long the children in the room can survive.

However, just when the firefighters were thinking about When the fire pliers were sent up,

Zhang Chi moved on the balcony of 401 and made a move that surprised everyone present.

He held his hands tightly on the railing of the anti-theft net and opened his arms outwards, showing a pull. stretching posture


"This, is the delivery boy thinking?……"

"No, no, no, this is impossible, this is too fanciful, the anti-theft net is so strong, it is impossible to succeed!"

The onlookers were talking a lot. Everyone had guessed what Zhang Chi was thinking, but they didn't have any hope.

Yes, Zhang Chi wanted to use his own hands to tear apart the anti-theft guardrail.

He also knew that if it were ordinary people Of course it's impossible, even the top strong men can't do it, but who am I? The most handsome delivery guy in Yangcheng! He is a pure man who has been transformed by genetic agents and stands on the top of the human race!

The veins on his upper body were bulging, and his strong muscles were fully displayed.


A harsh sound was heard, and the anti-theft fence slowly twisted and deformed under his huge force, until it finally revealed a structure that could accommodate a person's body. PS: Thank you for your continued support.

As always, please give me free flowers, review votes, and monthly votes.

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