With a bang, Zhang Chi got on the Ducati and left. But he turned off the engine before walking far, hid the car in a hidden place, and quietly returned to the old building alone.

Hey, I'm a jerk.

The more you push me away, the more I want to find out what's going on here!

He looked around and saw that the eight floors of this building were brightly lit. It was obvious that many people lived there, but no sound could be heard. This showed that although the building was old, the sound insulation was still very good.

Why does an old house have to be so well insulated? Is it possible...

Thinking of this, Zhang Chi did not hesitate. He turned over and got into an unfinished building next to him. He took three steps at a time and climbed to the top floor to find a hiding place. position, squatting and observing carefully.

Starting from the eighth floor, I glanced down and saw a middle-aged woman talking on the phone in the room, dancing with excitement.

Then on the seventh floor, the lights were turned on in two rooms, but no one appeared. Zhang Chi observed carefully for several minutes and still couldn't see anyone.

Then his eyes moved down to the sixth floor. The room was still empty and no one could be seen. Zhang Chi frowned and continued to observe.

Then the eyes moved to the fifth floor, and then to the fourth floor, there was still no one. You said this family also has a lot of money, why are you leaving the lights on when there is no one?

Zhang Chi shook his head. Just when he felt like he was about to leave without success, his eyes stayed on the window on the third floor. He was stunned, and then he smiled.

Let me just say, there must be something wrong with this building.

I saw that the room on the third floor was full of more than a dozen people. In front of these people stood a man in a straight suit and combed hair like a professional elite.

I saw this elite man standing in front of him giving a speech with an excited expression, holding a stack of A4 paper in his hand, but the distance was too far, and Zhang Chi couldn't see clearly what was on it.

After a while, the people sitting suddenly clapped their hands together. Some people looked excited and their faces were filled with longing, while others had doubts on their faces. However, as the elite man in front continued to speak, they gradually began to show signs of expectation. color.

Of course, there were one or two who seemed to be forced to sit inside and listen to the lectures, with sad faces and a hint of anxiety from time to time.

One of them is the woman sitting next to the window, Yang Lu. She is a reporter from Yangcheng News. She received news that a pyramid scheme has recently appeared in Yangcheng. Many people have been deceived and their families have been destroyed.

It happened that one of her cousins also joined the organization and said he wanted to recruit her into the membership, which gave her the idea of going deep into the tiger's den.

I did whatever I thought of, but I never expected that all the communication equipment would be taken away after I came in, and I was strictly prohibited from going out. I was forced to listen to their success courses every day, and there was no possibility of leaking information.

This made her regret it, blaming herself for being too impulsive. Now she was caught in a tiger's den but lost her wife.

Just when she was bored, she suddenly saw a head sticking out of the unfinished building opposite.

This startled her, and then she suddenly became ecstatic. The man was not from the gang. She had seen everyone in it. Yang Lu realized that this was her only chance.

Thinking of this, when the lecturer turned around, Yang Lu quickly made two life-saving mouth gestures in the direction of the unfinished building.

At this time, the lecturer looked over again and quickly turned her head back to avoid being discovered.

Unfinished upstairs.

Zhang Chi's eyes were focused. Although he couldn't hear the sound from just the shape of her mouth, Zhang Chi understood her meaning with his extraordinary eyesight.


Yes, the woman with shoulder-length hair was asking him for help.

At this moment, the elite man giving the speech turned his head and noticed something unusual about the woman with shoulder-length hair, and looked in the direction of her eyes.

At this time, Zhang Chi was on guard and had already taken back his head and hid in the unfinished building before he looked over.

Leaning against the red brick wall, Zhang Chi was thoughtful. Judging from his many years of experience in the Internet, this must be a pyramid scheme.

Then the corners of his mouth raised, revealing a cruel smile.

Thief Sun! It's bad luck for you if grandpa meets you!

The next moment...

He took out his mobile phone, quickly found Xiao Qiangwei's number and called it.

Yes, he chose to call the police.

What should you do if you discover a crime? It must be the agent sister!

Zhang Chi is not that stupid and rushes in alone.

Let's not talk about how many people there are in the other party's gang. Even if they are captured, if someone takes advantage of the chaos to escape, he will be helpless. What's more, there are many people who have been deceived. If the pyramid schemes take the risk and take them as hostages, they will be a victim. big trouble.

Therefore, he immediately thought of the evil nemesis, Miss Rose.

Of course, I also thought about her straight long legs.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the Yangcheng City Bureau is extremely serious.

"Reporter Yang of the Yangcheng Evening News has been out of contact for 52 hours. According to their director, reporter Yang Lu was introduced by a relative who has become the backbone of MLM, and went deep into their base to conduct investigations."

"But now there is no news at all, and I don’t know where the MLM den is. On the contrary, people have been lost."Xiao Qiangwei hammered the table hard and glanced at everyone present with a gloomy expression.

"Captain, don't worry, we have arranged people to go to the place where she disappeared to investigate, and I believe there will be clues soon."At this time, a detective comforted.

Ring, ring, ring~

Just at this moment, a bell rang.

"Hello! Which one?"Xiao Qiangwei picked up the phone and glanced doubtfully at the connection.

Tsk, the beauty's voice is so nice.

Listening to this moving voice, Zhang Chi sighed, and then said hello:"It's me, Zhang Chi, the most handsome delivery boy."

"Oh, the takeaway foot-squeezing monster! looking for me? I am very busy!"Xiao Qiangwei asked with a frown, her tone a little impatient.

Zhang Chi was speechless.

As for that!

What the hell is this takeaway foot-squeezing monster?

Isn't it just that you caught me for a massage once, and you got this nickname?

"I said Miss Xiao, can we change the title? Zhang Chi said helplessly

"No, if you have something to say, I will hang up if nothing happens."Xiao Qiangwei rolled her eyes and was about to hang up the phone.

"Wait a minute, I want to report the crime!"Hearing that she was about to hang up the phone, Zhang Chi was also worried.

"You report the crime and call the police report phone number. Don't come to me for any trivial matters. I'm busy with big cases."Xiao Qiangwei suddenly became more serious when she heard him say that she was going to report the case. However, she thought that she was not finished yet, how could she have time to take care of other cases?

"Okay, then I'll call the police report. I hope this pyramid schemer won't run away in advance."I heard that she was busy with a case, and Zhang Chi didn't force it. There were thousands of Yangcheng detectives, and she didn't necessarily have to handle it.

Hearing this, Xiao Qiangwei was stunned.

Wait, what did he say?


PS: First of all, let me state that I have no money and was deceived by MLM, so I don’t know much about it. I am writing this based on speculation.

MLM is shameful and causes people to lose their lives, so I despise and hate it.

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