Yao Wei had just been communicating with Zheng Haiqiang. Zheng Haiqiang had already sent emails, WeChat, and mobile phone messages about Yao's Zhiyuan Shipping decision to every customer.

At the same time, after working hours tomorrow, Zheng Haiqiang will call every relevant customer to inform him.

After Yao Wei communicated with Zheng Haiqiang, he saw the information from the Nanyang Port Maritime Industry Exchange Association Group. Cheng Xiao, who watched Jucheng Yuanhang's shares, chose to follow the price increase and was worried that Anxin Investment Company was targeting the stock market. Yao Wei He laughed silently.

It turns out that the deterrent power of Anxin Investment Company is already so great!

In fact, this is true!

The annual revenue of Jucheng Yuanhang's shipping business from Nanyang Port to Bao'an Province is only about 1 billion. If Anxin Investment Company targets Jucheng Yuanhang in the stock market, wouldn't it lose most of it?

Yuan Guanggui of Pilang Shipping pointed out that Anxin Investment Company is a founding member of the Bai Yujing Club in the sky. In fact, it is not a secret in Shanghai.

After all, the last time the Sky Bai Yujing Club pinned Tesla to the ground and beat him up, it had actually affected the interests of some people in the Magic City Circle, but all of these people chose to be ostriches.

In the Xia Kingdom, the status of the imperial capital is supreme!

The level of the Imperial City Circle is so high!

The Tiantian Baiyujing Club, established in the imperial capital circle, also has a very high status.

Otherwise, let someone else try to operate the Tesla?

There are endless cases of spontaneous combustion in Tesla, various malfunctions of the autopilot system, and minor problems such as rust, but why hasn’t Tesla been dealt with?

In fact, it is just the Magic City Circle that is supporting us!

These big guys at Nanyang Port are also members of the Magic City Circle. Of course they know something about Anxin Investment Company.

‘Yao Wei: @元广gui: @游尊太: @成小: @高福阳: Come on, come on!’

‘Yao Wei: We have just notified all our customers here about the price increase.’

‘Yao Wei: I won’t talk about some things. When Yao’s Zhiyuan Shipping was on the verge of bankruptcy, a certain company saved us.’

‘Yao Wei: I believe everyone understands the recent news on the Internet and various gossips.’

‘Yao Wei: Oh! Except Mr. You!’

‘Yao Wei: Anyway, we have raised the price this time, you can do whatever you want’

‘Yao Wei: We just want to express an attitude’

‘Gao Fuyang: I believe you!’

‘Gao Fuyang: Lao Yao, we are all our own people, are you still hiding your ears from [a certain] company?’

‘Gao Fuyang: Tell me the inside story quickly?’

‘Cheng Xiao: Mr. Yao, we are all our own people, why bother?’

‘Cai Zinan: I am also one of my own, and I can’t stand it anymore. I have always wanted to raise prices before, and now I am taking advantage of this wave of opportunities to raise prices.’

‘Cai Zinan: They want me to continue to lower the shipping price, which is really a bit excessive!’

‘Yuan Guanggui: Mr. Yao, can you be sure?’

‘You Zhentao: Just wait for the good news’

‘Yao Wei: Referring to the situation in the rubber market, when there was a shortage of rubber in Bao Province, what happened in Bao Province?’

‘Cai Zinan: Prices of various rubber products have soared!’

‘Cai Zinan: Neon obviously bought a large amount of natural rubber raw materials at very favorable prices, but when exporting rubber products, their prices are still very high.’

‘Cai Zinan: This is simply taking advantage of the situation!’

‘Yao Wei: So isn’t there an answer?’

‘Yuan Guanggui: Are we taking advantage of the situation?’

‘You Zhentao: No one is going to cause trouble, right?’

‘Yao Wei: With the current situation in the rubber market, have you seen anyone looking for trouble?’

‘Yao Wei: We are doing normal business activities’

‘Yao Wei: The recent operating expenses have been relatively high, so there is no problem in raising prices.’

‘Cheng Xiao: Got it!’

‘Yuan Guanggui: I understand too!’

‘You Zhentao: Our family and Mr. Yuan’s family should make money!’

‘Cai Zinan: I also want to make money, and I will join you. I refer to the price of Yao's Zhiyuan Shipping and directly raise the price, and then give a 95% discount to old customers.’

‘Yao Wei: As expected of Mr. Cai!’

‘Cheng Xiao: I advise Mr. Cai not to do these things’

‘Cheng Xiao: Be careful that your Sun Moon Shipping Company is targeted’

‘Yuan Guanggui: As I said just now, a certain company is not just a financial company, but has a very deep network of relationships. If they check you more times at sea and delay your voyage, you will have a headache, right?’

‘You Zhentao: What Mr. Yuan said makes sense! '

In fact, this one really makes sense!

It is very normal for anti-smuggling patrols to request inspections.

If we check every ship of a certain shipping company, it would be a big tragedy.

The key is to have the right to check like this!

‘Gao Fuyang: We have few ships and mainly focus on land logistics and transportation. This time I can only watch you pick up money.’

‘Yao Wei: Lao Gao, I’ll treat you to dinner tomorrow!’

‘Yuan Guanggui: Nangang Seafood Restaurant?’

‘You Zhentao: Can I have a meal?’

‘Cheng Xiao: The company’s finances have been tight recently, so I’d like to ask for help!’

‘Cai Zinan: Life in Baosheng is difficult. I, a Baosheng native, can’t make any money. I beg Mr. Yao to give me a bite of food.’

‘Yao Wei: No problem!’

‘Yao Wei: I will set up a few tables at Nangang Seafood Restaurant at noon tomorrow. Everyone is welcome to attend.’

‘Yao Wei: Let’s all make money together! '

After Yao Wei's discussion in the Maritime Industry Exchange Association group ended, some well-informed people in Bao Province immediately realized that a more serious problem was coming....

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