The editor of Tesla Xiaguo official blog naturally chose to fight back when faced with the talk about dreaming about the future graphene official blog.


Tesla Xia Kingdom:

@Dreaming about future graphene: ? ? ?

We can provide the cost of a rabies vaccine and help make an appointment with the corresponding hospital.


The editor of Tesla’s official blog is also a talented person, and he directly implies that the official blog who dreams about graphene in the future is a dog, the kind with rabies.

How could the people who eat melons not understand this weird and yin-yang statement?


Fire Thief:

Sit back and watch the show!

Two official blogs started fighting!

I am even more optimistic about @dreamfuturegraphene. This official blogger is really fierce, and he just starts spraying!

Tesla is not very good here, it’s boring to work secretly.



Ace Legend:



This official blog guy @DreamFutureGraphene has finally been resurrected and is once again targeting Tesla. What kind of hatred and hate can make this official blogger jump out and step on Tesla again?

But to be honest, Lockheed Martin's total valuation has only exceeded US$100 billion. Is Tesla's valuation of US$300 billion really a bit excessive?

Anyway, I am more in favor of dreaming about future graphene.

The main reason is that I want to buy the graphene version of the b40Pro+ phone, but why is it always out of stock?

@Dreaming about future graphene: When will the production be increased?


People who eat melons are gradually getting confused. They are obviously looking at the fake official blogs to criticize each other, but why do they turn into urging Dreams to ship graphene in the future?

However, some people have discovered the real reason


Truman Finance:

Everyone seems to have overlooked a question?

If the dream of graphene in the future is really the boss of an investment company, all problems can be easily solved.

Let me list some information first:

First: On April 9th ​​and April 10th, Tesla stock trading was very active, far exceeding the normal trading volume year-on-year and month-on-month.

Second: On April 13, the number of short-selling orders against Tesla in the U.S. stock market exceeded 170 million shares!

Tesla’s total share capital is only 932 million shares. After excluding non-tradable shares, on April 13 alone, Tesla’s share of short-sold shares exceeded 20%.

What’s even weirder is that such a huge short-selling scale was actually taken over by someone!

Let us make a reasonable inference, what if the short seller is an investment company?

If the short-seller is an investment company, then according to the situation in the U.S. stock market, there must be other financial institutions betting against an investment company.

An unknown financial institution is betting that Tesla will continue to rise sharply, while an investment company is betting that Tesla will plummet.

As for who will win?

This brings us back to our original question. If the dreamer of graphene in the future is the boss of an investment company, then the problem will be easily solved.

Dreaming about the future graphene must be a platform for an investment company!

Let’s talk about the third piece of information.

From April 13th to today, there are still short selling orders on Tesla in the U.S. stock market, and the volume of this selling order is not small. We suspect that in addition to a certain investment company, there are other hot money following a certain investment company..

Now that a certain investment company has completed its layout, its agents will naturally jump out to target Tesla.

Based on this situation analysis, are all problems gone?

Graphene, the long-dormant dream of the future, suddenly jumped out to target Tesla. Isn’t that normal?


This analysis is reasonable and reasonable, and a large number of troll netizens have expressed their support, and some have posted inquiries.


Bai Baibai:

I would like to ask @Truman Finance, can I still short-sell Tesla with an investment company now?

If you short Tesla now, you should have a good chance of making money, right?

After all, I am just a small householder, and there is a high probability that I will not be trapped.


There are a lot of inquiries like this. People and netizens all express that they want to make some money. The current situation seems to be that you can make money with your eyes closed?

However, some finance-related bloggers have given their opinions, saying that now is not a good time to follow the trend.

Because everyone knows this, one person is a small household, ten people are a small household, but what about ten thousand people, or even one hundred thousand people?

Does that mean it’s just a tower of sand?

The current situation is really not something ordinary people can participate in.

Because if you are not careful, you may be cut into pieces!

An Liang naturally also saw the reply to Tesla Xia Guo's official blog and the analysis of Truman Finance. He smiled bitterly in his heart. Are these melon-eaters too courageous?

Still want to get involved in something like this?

Are you really not worried that Tesla will also reveal a graphene battery technology to stabilize its stock price?

Anyway, it’s just bragging. The wordless beep of the Wujie battery has already been blown out. What’s the problem with another one of the graphene battery?


Dreaming about future graphene:

@Tesla Xia Guo: I find your weird look really disgusting!

Could you please be more aboveboard?

Just like your Tesla Model 3, if there is a problem, you just speak out openly, and you still blame the user for improper use?

A car is a means of transportation, so it naturally has to adapt to various working conditions.

Do you want to buy a car and treat it like an ancestor? alright!

I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you. Tell me, how do you want to die?


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