There is indeed too much bad news for Tesla right now!

There are three most critical pieces of bad news:

First, the world's only graphene battery manufacturer currently has a very bad attitude towards Tesla. It once publicly stated on its official blog that it would not supply graphene batteries to Tesla.

If Dream Future Graphene Technology Group cannot apply graphene batteries to new energy vehicles, the impact on Tesla will not be too great.

If we don’t supply, we won’t supply!

But the second piece of bad news came one after another. It turned out that the graphene batteries developed by Dream Future Graphene Technology Group can be mounted on new energy vehicles, and Dream Future Graphene already has a complete set of in-vehicle technology solutions.

This piece of news is pretty bad news for Tesla.

However, the third piece of news is the real fatal news!

Because Tesla discovered that the Xiaguo market’s attitude towards Tesla had changed. What was once an infinitely tolerant attitude towards Tesla has now become endlessly harsh. All Xiaguo’s automotive news, as well as daily news, are all intentionally or unintentionally included. To Tesla.

From Tesla’s false advertising of cruising range, to Tesla’s unsafe battery packs, immaturity of the autopilot system, and various workmanship and rust issues.

All these problems broke out in a concentrated manner!

This situation made Tesla aware of the problem. They were being targeted by the Xiaguo market. If they lost the Xiaguo market, it would undoubtedly be a very bad thing for Tesla.

After all, Tesla has established the Tesla Gigafactory in the Kingdom of Xia, and its weekly output of Model 3 can reach 3,500 units. If Tesla is boycotted by Xia Kingdom, the losses will be particularly heavy.

There are also some rumors circulating in the investment market. For example, Tesla's backers in Xia Guo have given up on Tesla.

This piece of gossip was not only circulated in the Xia Kingdom, but also spread to the Internet in the Bald Eagle Kingdom, making it popular among the netizens of the Bald Eagle Kingdom.

As the saying goes: laymen watch the fun, insiders watch the door.

For the netizens in Bald Eagle Country, the idea that Tesla has a backer in Xia Country is a myth. Does the world’s most advanced new energy vehicle manufacturer still need a backer?

But the investment community views it differently!

The investment community highly agrees with this statement, and even believes that this piece of gossip may have been released intentionally.

For the four Rons, the current time is very painful. They have realized that they were deceived, and they also realized that Anxin Investment Company was not shorting Tesla's stock, but selling Tesla's stock.

They thought that Anxin Investment Company had shorted more than 200 million Tesla shares, but now it seems that it is impossible for Anxin Investment Company to short more than 100 million shares.

When the short-selling scale of Anxin Investment Company does not exceed 100 million shares, it seems to be very difficult for them to embarrass Anxin Investment Company?

So this time they shot themselves in the foot again?

Ron, Jack, Bazel, and Andy were all extremely bitter. This time they lost again!

Half past nine in the evening.

Bald Eagle The U.S. stock market opened. At the close of trading last Friday, Tesla's closing price was $309.93. But this time when the market opened, Tesla's stock price took a big dive.

It gapped down from the closing price of $309.93 to $170.29, almost halving.

But this price is not the lowest yet.

Ten minutes after the market opened, Tesla's stock price fell further to $150.02. This time it was truly cut in half or more.

In the U.S. stock market, there are numerous sell orders for Tesla's stock, and each one is listed, but there are no buy orders.

An Liang checked the information on these sell orders. It had only been ten minutes since the market opened. Tesla's stock sell orders had already accumulated over 100 million, and the financial giants had not swept the stock.

Looks like you gave up?

Or do you think the price is too high?

Anyway, Anliang dislikes the price being too high!

In 2019, Tesla's stock price has been at US$40 or 50 for a long time. Now Tesla is plagued by too much negative news. Even if it can operate in the mid- to low-end market, the profits in the mid-to-low-end market are too low. How can it maintain its current situation? share price?

The stock price is a deep and dynamic thing. It does not mean that if a financial institution steps forward to take over all Tesla's shares, it can maintain Tesla's stock price or even continue to push up the price.

For example, when the price-to-earnings ratio is too bad, Tesla's stock price still cannot be maintained.

In addition, Tesla's stock circulation rate has declined, and it is also unable to maintain its stock price.

How can we maintain the stock price if there are no more transactions?

"Mr. An, shall we take action? Fan Ping asked.

An Liang responded,"Wait a minute!""

The current price is not the lowest price yet. Even if An Liang does not have a Tesla stock information trend card, he can judge that Tesla's stock is still artificially high. It will be even lower in the future!

As for the entry of financial institutions?

Then Just give it a try by playing a dozen Taiwanese dramas!

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