Investment in the chip industry has a bad reputation in the general environment of Xia State!

Take Tianfu's Glo Chip Company as an example. The cooperation project between Glo Chip Company and the local court in Tianfu, in which the two parties planned to invest US$10 billion in cooperation, ended in a hurry due to various reasons of losses before it even started.

In addition to Glo Chip Company and Jiutongqu Hongxin, there are a large number of chip companies that are also experiencing various losses.

Li Cunyuan also said before that even the imperial capital circle has been defrauded of money by investment in the chip industry. Even the imperial capital circle dares to defraud them. What else can they not dare to do?

Faced with Zhao Wanxi's loss warning, An Liang responded affirmatively,"I will definitely invest. Now it's time to see whether you invest and whether the members of the Tiantian Bai Yujing Club invest.""

"I don’t know if you have noticed, but there are already voices from the Bald Eagle Country saying that they want to sanction our Xia Country from the chip industry. If the Bald Eagle Country really wants to do such a thing, our resistance will be very weak." An Liang explained.

Zhao Wanxi frowned.

An Liang continued,"I believe you can figure it out. We all made a lot this time. I actually hope you invest. Even if you don't invest, I will try my best to invest. , whether it is 10 billion, 100 billion, or even 200 billion, I can invest"

"Okay, it's almost half past one. Let's go to the conference room first. I will explain the situation in detail when the meeting starts later."An Liang added.

Zhao Wanxi nodded.

The two came to the conference room on the third floor together. They were still in the same position as last time. An Liang sat in the core C seat, and Zhao Wanxi sat on the left of An Liang.

An Liang nodded with his finger After confirming that the microphone was on, he said straight to the point,"We have another dividend meeting today. I believe that many people stayed up late last night to pay attention to the stock market situation in Bald Eagle Country. After all, I saw that many people's eyes were still bloodshot."

The crowd burst into laughter

"Let me talk about the final result first. We shorted 90 million shares of Tesla stock at a price of US$299.85, and then bought and returned all the bonds at a price of US$99.8 per share. The final profit was 120.297 billion Xia Guoyuan, which we Anxin Investment Company received After excluding fractions, the funds we can allocate are 120 billion Xia Guoyuan."An Liang explained

"According to the total investment of 180 billion Xia Guoyuan, the income for every 100 million invested is two-thirds of a billion. Most of you have invested 2 billion, so the profit you can get is 1.333333333 yuan. It’s a bit complicated data, right? ?"An Liang complained.

"It’s still the old rules. We, Anxin Investment Company, will help you file your tax returns. I believe everyone understands this kind of thing and should pay taxes."An Liang teased

"After the tax was finally paid, each person still had 1 billion 666.66 million. The small data like 6666 yuan behind, our Anxin Investment Company conveniently helped erase it."An Liang added

"Then we will provide you with an investment quota. Each person can invest 66.66 million, with an annual rate of return of 8%. To put it simply, you can get back 2 billion principal, 1 billion in after-tax profits, and 66.66 million in savings. In Anxin Investment Company, invest with an annual return rate of 8%."An Liang added

"Do you have any questions? An Liang asked,"If you have any questions, raise them now.""

Hu Xiaoyu raised his hand high.

An Liang greeted,"Xiaoyu, what's your problem?"

"Brother Liang, can we leave all profits and principal in Anxin Investment Company for investment? Hu Xiaoyu asked.

An Liang teased,"Or is it an annual rate of return of 8%?""

"Yeah, I can accept that!"Hu Xiaoyu responded quickly

"It seems that Xiaoyu didn't sleep well yesterday. I suggest you go to bed early today and have a sweet dream."An Liang said jokingly.

Although Anliang Investment Company, with the help of the Life Winner System, has an annual rate of return of 15%, Anliang will not provide unlimited investment opportunities of 8%. The stability of 8% annual rate of return Investment is already a very exaggerated thing. It is a benefit for the Bai Yujing Club in the sky, rather than investing if you want.

Everyone burst into laughter.

Hu Xiaoyu continued to ask,"Then can I invest three shares this time?"

"cannot."An Liang also refused.

Hu Xiaoyu could get three times the income, but in daily investment, An Liang restricted Hu Xiaoyu's investment, thus giving face to other members of the Tiantian Bai Yujing Club.

"well!"Hu Xiaoyu sat down regretfully.

An Liang added,"By the way, if anyone is unwilling to invest, remember to explain it in advance and we will pay out the full amount of benefits."

Everyone was talking about it. It is impossible not to invest!

Although they follow Anliang every day and eat a lot of money, the annual return rate is 8%, and it is a stable income, and it is an aboveboard and legal income. This kind of How can you give up a good thing?

Even if you don't use it yourself, your own interest groups can also use it. This is a resource! It is also a legal resource!

Taking Anliang himself as an example, he used the investment quota of Anxin Investment Company to invest in Shengqing Developing a network of interests that belongs to Lao Anjia.

How could we give up such a useful legal resource?

"Brothers and sisters, be quiet for a moment, I want to tell you about a new investment project!"An Liang raised his voice.

Everyone fell silent. The investments An Liang threw out were all big fat meat. They must take a bite!

"Are you interested in investing in the chip industry?"An Liang asked.


Everyone in the imperial capital circle looked at An Liang in confusion. Investing in chips? Isn't that an industry where ten people invest and eleven people lose money?


Humble Mrs. Ox, forget it, stop being humble, go to bed, good night.


Update time: November 3, 2020 01:46:45.

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