Bao Province area.

The evening news is reporting on the typhoon

"Good evening, viewers. My name is Li Shulan. Welcome to Know What’s New."Li Shulan said hello

"We first report a piece of news about typhoons. Typhoon Basong 1 formed off the Pacific Ocean and has now reached the standard of a Category 3 typhoon. However, judging from the current situation, it will not land in any area of ​​our province and is very likely to directly Head to Neon."Li Shulan explained the situation.

Baozhou is often visited by typhoons, and it can be said that it hates typhoons.

Now that the typhoon is forming in the outer sea, it is not expected to land in Baozhou, which is the best thing for Baozhou.

Because Baozhou can no longer withstand it. No trouble!

However, the morning news over there in the Bald Eagle Country was exciting. The Bald Eagle Country had already reported on the accident of the transport ship and accused the meteorological department of inaction.

Naturally, An Liang did not pay attention to this information, and he did not even go there. Searching for relevant content, after all, An Liang has no reason or position to understand the corresponding information.

An Liang is accompanying Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang to have dinner in Room 8806 of Yunjing International Apartment!

In the Baosheng area, Lei Tianlong started the live broadcast again.

When Lei After Tianlong started broadcasting, thousands of people quickly flooded into his live broadcast room and sent barrage messages.

‘What good news will Lei Tianlong broadcast live today?’

‘With a blind guess, Lei Tianlong may say that he is the reincarnation of the Dragon King, and he prevented Typhoon Basong from landing in Baoshan this time.’

‘It looks like a ghost upstairs!’

‘Lei Tianlong, don’t pretend to be dead, tell the good news quickly! '

Lei Tianlong looked at the barrage messages and saw that everyone was very happy. He let out a long sigh.

"Audience friends, there is no good news today!"Lei Tianlong said quickly,"Hasn't any of you watched the morning news from Bald Eagle Country?"

Everyone in the barrage expressed that they had not seen it.

Lei Tianlong sighed again,"I will show you these news. After you read it, you will know that something serious is wrong now!"

After finishing speaking, Lei Tianlong immediately pulled out the relevant news about the Bald Eagle Country and asked the audience to check it.

"You see for yourselves, I will explain in detail later."Lei Tianlong explained.

After more than a minute, Lei Tianlong began to explain,"From the information obtained from the news from the Bald Eagle Country, the transport ship transporting rubber products from the Bald Eagle Country to our province was destroyed during this typhoon. sink"

"This is really bad news!"Lei Tianlong complained.

"In the era of 2020, there are still incidents of shipping being hit by typhoons. I think the meteorological department of Bald Eagle Country should collectively commit suicide to atone for their sins!"Lei Tianlong couldn't help but complain.

As Lei Tianlong complained, the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but quickly send comments

‘If the ship sinks this time, will the Bald Eagle Country still help us?’

‘The rubber products we use for a year have capsized. Can we sail our own boat to salvage it?’

‘Is this the new wealth code?’

‘Makes sense!’

‘Please tell me how to rent a boat. I want to salvage rubber products!’

‘Financial freedom is today!’

‘Go, go, go! His treasure is in the sea! '

Lei Tianlong looked at the increasingly colorful barrages, and his mind couldn't turn around for a while. What the hell is going on?

Shouldn't the key issue be that the ship transporting rubber products from Bald Eagle Country sank? The price of rubber products in their province cannot be reduced, and the prices of other commodities cannot be reduced either. Are prices still as bad as they are now?

Why are these troll netizens not worried at all?

"Don’t you understand what I mean?"Lei Tianlong expressed his opinion, but the netizens were not worried at all. Instead, they optimistically expressed that the Bald Eagle Country helped the first time, and it should help the second time, right?

Such an idea sounds fine.

The ship sank. That's it, send another ship to transport another ship of rubber products to Bao Province. Wouldn't that solve the problem of Bao Province?

Is there anything else wrong?

However, in fact there is a big problem!

Bao Province is the country of the bald eagle. Bao

Province needs rubber products, so the Bald Eagle Country must help Bao Province?


The Bald Eagle Country helped Bao Province before, but it was not free help in vain, it was just normal business behavior.

But the problem now is that the ship If the ship sank, how to deal with the issue of compensation for the ship's supplies?

Let the Bald Eagle Country bear it?

Should the court of the Bald Eagle Country bear it, or should the corresponding manufacturer of rubber products bear it?

If the corresponding manufacturer of rubber products should bear it Loss, they lost a batch of goods in vain, which is equivalent to a large loss of money. Is there no way to earn back this money?

As for letting the Bald Eagle Kingdom bear the responsibility?

Just dream!

Before the compensation issue is not resolved, do you still want to make money? The Bald Eagle Nation's continued support of Bao Province is also a dream.

The only possibility is that the local court in Bao Province will bear these losses and then purchase corresponding materials from the Bald Eagle Nation. Only then can the price crisis in Bao Province be solved.

However , The local court of Bao Province also has no money. If it has to bear this expenditure, it is difficult for the local court of Bao Province to have a reasonable excuse.

After all, not everyone is Brother Liang. Don’t others buy things without spending money?

Brother Liang buys things. You can still make money!

As for who loses?

Anyway, it’s not Brother Liang who loses!

Who loses Brother Guan Liang’s shit?

It’s just that Baosheng’s problem has returned to its original point: the price crisis cannot be solved!


Typhoon Basong: Typhoons have their own naming rules. This typhoon is a product of the naming rules of Anliang's unknown time and space. Please do not refer to the typhoon naming rules of a certain time and space.

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