Bald Eagle Country, Washington.

Agents of the Secret Security Service are communicating with the police officers. The police officer named Jim is reporting the situation.

"We just received the police information that there was a domestic dispute in room 18A. The male owner is Keith and the female owner is Juliet. There are many cases of family disputes in this household. Keith has thoughts of domestic violence and often has domestic conflicts. Jim explained.

The leader of the three agents of the Secret Security Bureau was named Barrow. He ordered,"Colbert, you stay at the scene. Cole, you and I go up and have a look. Jim, you go up with us."

Jim nodded to his teammates,"Dean, you stay at the scene too.""

After the personnel on both sides were arranged separately, Jim led the way, Barrow and Cole followed, and the three took the elevator to the 18th floor.

At the door of room 18A, all three of them took out their weapons.

Jim was responsible for knocking on the door." DC Police Department, open the door!"

The roar of Keith, the male owner of Room 18A, came,"Get out! Jim responded helplessly,"This is a normal situation. We have encountered it many times before.""

Barrow is a member of the Secret Security Service. The person he was responsible for protecting had an accident. He was in a very bad mood. How can he have a good temper now that Keith is obstructing the performance of his official duties?

"Force the door open! Barrow ordered.

Jim hesitated,"But...We don't have a search warrant or an arrest warrant, we don't have the authority to do that. Barrow sneered,"

I will be responsible!""

Jim wore the recorder. Since Barrow said he was responsible, Jim naturally no longer hesitated. He kicked the door suddenly, but the quality of the door exceeded Jim's expectation. He didn't even kick it open.

Barrow waved Waving to signal his teammate Cole for help, Cole and Jim kicked open the door together.

Just as Keith was about to curse, he saw the three people entering the room holding weapons. He was stunned. Is this how family disputes are handled? ?

Cole walked directly to the open kitchen, checked the situation of the table knives, and then responded,"Captain, the table knives are of the same brand, the wear of the handles is almost the same, and they are indeed missing one table knife."

Barrow looked at Keith and Juliet with a sneer, and he ordered,"Jim, contact your bureau and arrest these two people." Jim agreed,"


Nearly an hour later, in the interrogation room of the DC Police Department, Barrow was personally responsible for interrogating Keith. He asked,"Why did you throw the knife out the window? Keith wondered,"I can't remember such a thing. What does it matter if I lose a table knife?""

"what is the relationship? Barrow sneered,"The knife you threw caused the death of a person. Do you think it matters?""

"impossible!"Keith denied without hesitation.

"impossible? Barrow still sneered,"We have extracted fingerprints from the handle of the table knife. After comparing the fingerprints, the fingerprints on the handle of the table knife are your fingerprints."

Keith hesitated,"But it was an accident!""

"Are you sure it was an accident?"Barrow stared at Keith.

"What's not an accident? Keith asked back,"I want to see my lawyer!" Barrow didn't ask any more questions. He exited the interrogation room and asked outside the interrogation room,"Colbert, what's the situation on the other side?""

"In the same situation, Juliet also said it was an accident. Corbett responded.

Cole explained,"BOSS, I think it was really an accident. I have checked the historical case files of this family. They do have a heavy criminal record. Keith has a domestic violence problem. In the past year, During this time, neighbors called the police 51 times, almost once a week."

Barrow rubbed his temples. Didn't he know it was an accident?

But how to tell his boss about this accident?

When Barrow had a headache, the news of Yu Xiaochun's death spread in a small area, and was responded to by Huang Guoxiang's insider intelligence, and even obtained quite detailed intelligence information.

Xia Guo.

It was close to eleven o'clock in the morning.

Huang Guoxiang received the corresponding intelligence information, and he immediately checked it

‘this...Actually dead? When Huang Guoxiang checked the corresponding intelligence information, he couldn't help being shocked.

Yu Xiaochun is really dead!

Huang Guoxiang's first reaction was that Renyi Security Company was behind the scenes!

But the next moment he denied such speculation.

Because time is too short!

He only disclosed the information to An Liang last night, and news of Yu Xiaochun's death had already been reported this morning. Even if Renyi Security Company had the intention to deal with it, it should not be able to handle it with such efficiency.

Huang Guoxiang began to consider another question again. Should he send the information about Yu Xiaochun's death to An Liang?

If this piece of information is sent to An Liang, it will feel like there is no silver in this place, as if he has admitted that he has solved Yu Xiaochun.

But Huang Guoxiang can swear 100% that what happened this time really had nothing to do with him!

According to the intelligence information obtained by insiders, Huang Guoxiang also felt that Yu Xiaochun's death was an accident. There was no behind-the-scenes hand or any conspiracy.

But isn’t this timing too coincidental?

Yu Xiaochun had just submitted a proposal to secretly investigate Anxin Investment Company. The National Security Investigation Bureau intercepted this piece of confidential information. Huang Guoxiang told An Liang the intelligence information. Is it okay if Yu Xiaochun dies after one night?

There is something strange about such a coincidence!

However, Huang Guoxiang could not find the problem.

Since he couldn't find the problem for a while, Huang Guoxiang was ready to wait and see what happened. He wanted to see An Liang's reaction, and then use An Liang's reaction to deduce the truth about Yu Xiaochun's death.

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