Imperial Capital, Embassy of the North Bear Kingdom.

Avora spoke to her father, Vasilevich Nekov Kobel, through a secure and confidential line. Avora quickly explained the ideas and plans proposed by An Liang.

"Dad, what do you think of this plan? Avora asked.

Vasilevich Nekov responded affirmatively,"Good plan!""

"If the plan is really implemented, we, Europa, Ulan and Neon will all get good benefits, but what benefits does he have?"Vasilevich asked back.

Avora repeated the two good points that An Liang said.

"Do you believe?"Vasilevich asked.

Avora was silent for a moment,"I think it can be believed. He has great power in the Xia Kingdom. Although his family does not hold a high position in the central court of the Xia Kingdom, his partners are all very powerful."

"I really can't imagine what his purpose is."Aflora added

"He has a security company that mainly operates in Southeast Asia and also has certain power in Africa. After he establishes a good relationship with us, he may ask us to provide firewood."Vasilevich mentioned one of the possibilities.

"That...Do we refuse his cooperation?"Aphrola hesitated

"Why refuse? Vasilevich laughed,"The plan he proposed is really feasible. We will study it carefully and then consider how to implement it.""

"By the way, does he really want to purchase 3 million tons of crude oil? asked Vasilevich

"Probably so? Avora asked back.

Vasilevich thought about it for a moment before responding,"Let's deal with the plan first. After we confirm the specific plan, you can contact the other party.""

"Let him see our sincerity?"Aphrola was curious.

"Um! Vasilevich responded affirmatively,"By the way, has he ever mentioned which city he would choose to set up an oil refinery?""

"No."Aflora responded,"But it is probably a city close to the ocean and has a port. He is planning to transport refined oil by sea."

"Haha, this guy is interesting. Vasilevich laughed loudly,"By the way, has this boy ever been courteous to our daughter?""

"dad!"Aphrola snorted,"Hang up first!"

"Okay, I'll let you know when I have the results."Vasilevich replied and hung up the phone.


Neon, Kyoto Electric Power Company Headquarters.

A middle-aged man is reporting the situation in the office of the president of Kyoto Electric Power Company

"President, the properties around the Tomima Nuclear Power Plant are now almost free due to nuclear pollution. We can acquire these houses and build more nuclear-contaminated wastewater storage tanks."Middle-aged Renhui report

"Sato-kun, do you know how much money it will cost to build a new storage tank?"Shimizu Masami, the president of Kyoto Electric Power Company, asked rhetorically. Sato Mirai is an expert of Kyoto Electric Power Company. Regarding the proposal of discharging nuclear contaminated wastewater into the sea, Sato Mirai has always been an opponent and a firm opponent. Shimizu Masami did not give any advice.

When Sato Mirai spoke, he continued,"Since the accident on March 12, 2011, we have spent more than 200 billion US dollars to deal with this safety accident."

"You only know that there is a risk of pollution when discharging nuclear-contaminated wastewater into the sea, but have you ever thought that if we continue to build new storage tanks and continue to store new nuclear-contaminated wastewater, what if there is another major earthquake one day?"Shimizu Masami asked Sato Mirai.

On March 11, 2011, a 9.0-magnitude earthquake occurred in Neon, which caused problems at the Tomishima Nuclear Power Plant. It was completely a natural disaster.

"But we can’t discharge nuclear contaminated wastewater into the sea, right? Sato argued in the future,"I can develop newer technologies for the company. I can..."

"alright!"Shimizu Masami interrupted Sato Mirai,"There's no need to say anything more about this matter."

Sato Mirai's eyes are very complicated. He understands what Shimizu Masami means. The senior management of Kyoto Electric Power Company is probably planning to find a suitable opportunity to secretly discharge part of the nuclear contaminated wastewater into the sea for observation, right? If the impact is relatively small, then They should be doing something like this on a large scale.

Mirai Sato left Masami Shimizu's office because of Masami Shimizu's stubbornness. Mirai Sato did not tell Masami Shimizu that he had made a breakthrough in a technology. Progress.

But now Sato Mirai decides to hide it. He feels that the current Kyoto Electric Power Company has changed and is no longer the Kyoto Electric Power Company he is familiar with.

He does not want to leave his technology in this company!

‘If someone solves the problem of nuclear contaminated wastewater from Kyoto Electric Power Company, I...’Sato Mirai sighed silently, how could it be so simple to solve this problem?

But Mirai Sato feels that he can wait patiently!

Because Mirai Sato is only 44 years old this year, which is quite young in the field of research, he can still afford to wait....

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