Acquisition-type business negotiations are actually equivalent to buying and selling things.

Anxin Investment Company wants to buy Aiyi Video, and Aiyi Video wants to sell to Anxin Investment. Naturally, the buyer and seller have a game relationship. Whether the buyer or the seller is stronger depends on the trump cards of both parties.

Still taking Anxin Investment Company and Aiyi Video as examples, the current situation is that Aiyi Video is at the end of its rope, and Aiyi Video is about to make a desperate move.

Who knows what the outcome of this desperate gamble will be?

If the desperate move fails, Aiyi Video's stock price will drop significantly, which means that Aiyi Video's value will be significantly reduced. Such a result is difficult to accept.

Therefore, when Anxin Investment Company issued a takeover offer, whether it was the senior executives of Aiyi Video or the Xiongzhao Company, they were more inclined to negotiate with Anxin Investment Company.

In view of this situation, it is natural that Anxin Investment Company takes the initiative.

So among the seats in the car, of course Anliang occupied the most noble and central position.

The Audi A8L was driving smoothly. An Liang was sitting on the left side of the back seat. He seemed to be asking casually,"Mr. Qiao, what kind of car do you like?"

Qiao Yafei glanced at the driver's seat in front of him. He had discovered An An Investment Company before. All the business and executive cars used were Audis. While he was thinking about whether to cater to An Liang, he was also thinking about what An Liang meant.

Just the arrangement of the seat position made Qiao Yafei dare not underestimate An Liang!

Because Qiao Yafei understood the meaning of Anliang's seat arrangement, Anliang invisibly put Aiyi Video in a weak position, further strengthening Anxin Investment Company's dominant position.

Now An Liang asked him what kind of car he liked, and he felt that An Liang had a deeper meaning!

Faced with this situation, Qiao Yafei chose the safest situation. Since Anxin Investment Company's business executive cars all choose the Audi brand, then there shouldn't be any problem if he expresses his love for this brand, right?

Qiao Yafei responded,"I like Audi too! When I was in college, DreamCar was Audi."

An Liang didn't believe Qiao Yafei!

First of all, the answer to things like DreamCar is what Qiao Yafei said himself. There is no standard answer to refer to. One day he said it was Audi, and tomorrow he said his dream had changed. He suddenly had a dream of blue sky and white clouds. Doesn’t it make sense?

Secondly, Qiao Yafei has a small loophole!

Things like DreamCar generally have a specific model.

For example, when An Liang was a child, he liked the Porsche 911 rather than all Porsche models. An Liang didn't like the Panamera very much and felt that the design of the Panamera was poisonous.

Although Panamela's sales are good, that doesn't stop An Liang from not liking it!

An Liang discovered a small blind spot, and he did not expose the other party's lies because there was no need.

If the other party's lie is revealed, will it have any effect other than making the atmosphere awkward?

Besides, An Liang also has his own purpose when he talks about this topic.

An Liang responded with a faint smile,"Audi is indeed pretty good. It requires product strength and quality control, and the most important thing is that Audi always has discounts."

Gio Ya understood An Liang's meaning instantly.

An Liang continued,"Although many people like Mercedes-Benz, I think Mercedes-Benz is not good at all. All kinds of price increases just treat consumers as fools!"

"However, how many consumers are real fools? An Liang said with a pun,"I heard that the new facelift of the Mercedes-Benz E-Class will abandon the 1.5T engine and re-enable the 2.0T engine. This shows that consumers are not fools!""

How could Qiao Yafei not understand Anliang's metaphor?

Anliang borrowed Audi and Mercedes-Benz to compare their Aiyi Video Company, implicitly indicating the meaning of Anxin Investment Company. If Aiyi Video wants to increase prices like Mercedes-Benz, then Anliang Investment will If the company treats it as a fool, Anxin Investment Company will definitely not buy it

‘This guy is just like the rumors in the imperial capital, he is simply too difficult to deal with! 'Qiao Yafei sighed secretly.

It was clear that the negotiations had not yet begun, but Anliang made two killer moves in succession, which not only demonstrated the dominant position of Anxin Investment Company, but also proposed the negotiation price tendency for the acquisition of Aiyi Video.

Faced with Anliang's aggressiveness, Qiao Yafei responded,"I also think Mercedes-Benz is not doing well, but there is also a problem with Audi's approach. Their heavy discounts have hurt Audi's brand value, so Audi's brand power is far inferior to Mercedes-Benz. It's also not as good as BMW."

Qiao Yafei tried to refute An Liang, otherwise he would be at a disadvantage before the negotiation, which would be a very bad thing!

Because he did not refute, it meant accepting An Liang's implicit price reduction conditions.

How is that possible?

So Qiao Yafei must refute!

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