The security level of Anjia's former residence described by Zhong Honglin made the three people at Shengqing Anning Insurance Company secretly frightened, but Bian Xiaogang knew some inside stories.

"In fact, before I came here, I guessed that these three holly trees might be the holly trees in the rumors spread by the Imperial University of Science and Technology. If you are willing to let me study them, I can breed them for you for free and provide relevant information. Planting technology consulting services."Bian Xiaogang responded

"Hello, Professor Bian, happy working with you!"An Liang directly stretched out his right hand.

Bian Xiaogang shook hands with An Liang,"Can I go take a look now?"

Fang Zhuwei was a little embarrassed. She originally planned to provide such a paid service, but Bian Xiaogang just offered it for free. Is that okay? An Liang looked at Zhong"713" Hong Lin,"There are snakes in the yard and on the trees. ? Zhong

Honglin responded in denial,"We have checked in advance and there are no snakes in the yard or in the trees." An

Liang briefly explained the snake's situation to Bian Xiaogang, and then added,"Professor Bian, I hope that the breeding work will be limited to our yard. Is that okay?""

Bian Xiaogang knew the economic value of mutated holly seeds, so he naturally guessed that Anliang would not allow him to take away the holly branches.

In fact, Anliang allowed it!

But according to logical reasoning, Anliang could not agree to such a thing, so Anliang did not allow it. , so that the details are logical and can withstand scrutiny and analysis.

Otherwise, would Anliang directly allow Bian Xiaogang to take away the holly branches? Do you want to know about cutting breeding?

What's more important is that after cutting breeding, the cultivated holly has no home. Regarding the effect of the holly in the yard, should we suspect that Anliang had known about such a thing for a long time, so he allowed the branches to be taken away?

Furthermore, should we guess why Anliang knew about it in advance?

And delve into why Anliang had the holly in the yard. Is it effective?

Think carefully about everything and ask why.

In order to avoid such things, Anliang will do everything in detail, thereby avoiding one why after another.

"Can!"Bian Xiaogang agreed. An

Liang looked at Fang Zhuwei again,"By the way, Director Fang, if we choose the first option, how much insurance cost do you think is appropriate, based on an insurance limit of 100 million."歺."Wait a moment, we need to discuss it."Fang Zhuwei did not respond immediately. After she finished speaking, she left the Anjia Yard with her two subordinates and returned to the Prado. She used her mobile phone to start a video conference.

Fang Zhuwei explained in detail the security situation of Anjia Yard during the video conference, and explained the security situation of Bian Xiao After a sudden change of attitude, they finally discussed the cost of insurance in a video conference.

After some discussion, Fang Zhuwei ended the video conference with a clear understanding, and she returned to Anjia's yard and made a quotation to Anliang.

"Mr. An, although the value of the three holly trees is very high, given that your security level is very high, after our discussion, the insurance fee for a compensation limit of 100 million yuan is 1.2 million yuan a year."Fang Zhuwei responded

"This insurance fee will include our various consulting fees. If Mr. An needs it, we can even help you recommend the sale of finished holly seeds."Fang Zhuwei added.

An Liang couldn't help laughing.

Isn't this Fang Zhuwei's idea too beautiful?

According to the prompts of the Life Winner System, the annual output of three holly plants is 100 kilograms, just 100 kilograms. An Liang's circle of friends is not enough Okay?

It can be completely digested just in the Tiantian Bai Yujing Club!

Not to mention that An Shengyu has his own circle of friends, and the people in the Tiantian Bai Yujing Club also have their own circles of friends, just 100 kilograms There must be a huge gap in annual production.

How can Anliang be sold to external parties?

"It seems that Director Fang has no intention of cooperating. An Liang responded negatively.

Fang Zhuwei immediately lowered the price,"One million a year!"

An Liang still shook his head,"Too expensive!" To be honest, our security level is very high. It's almost like giving you money for free. Do you understand?"

Fang Zhuwei was silent. An Liang's words were true.......

"It's just a precaution, so it's 300,000 a year. If you can cooperate, then cooperate. If you can't, forget it. You only need to provide coverage for artificial damage by non-related personnel."Anliang said his bottom line.

In fact, whether it is 300,000 or 1.2 million a year, it does not make much difference to Anliang, because Anliang has enough assets.

But Anliang should not be taken advantage of again!

The money that should be spent, Even if it costs 100 billion, Anliang will not frown. For example, if he invests in the chip field, Anliang plans to invest 100 billion.

But if others want to cheat him, even 1,000 yuan will not do!

Anliang's money is also hard-earned. Don't think that it's easy to have a system. If Anliang doesn't handle it well, it will lead to an irreversible outcome.

Why should you be cheated?

Anliang's philosophy is very simple. He can give it, but others can't take it. The two are completely inconsistent. The same nature!

Faced with the price proposed by An Liang, Fang Zhuwei finally chose to agree.

As An Liang said, the security level of Anjia's former residence is very high, just to prevent the unexpected 3.7 situation. Just now Fang Zhuwei was trying to test with the lion's mouth. What if it succeeds?

The two parties reached a preliminary agreement. The specific insurance terms still need to wait until the security facilities of Anjia's former residence are established and completed, and inspected by Shengqing Anning Insurance Company before the relevant insurance contract can be signed.

Fang Zhuwei and his party left first, Liu Ling stood next to An Liang and said jokingly,"You are really a good bargainer!"

Having bargained from 1.2 million to 300,000, you are indeed a master at haggling, right?"

An Liang responded with a smile,"Auntie, happy holidays!""

Liu Ling showed a surprised expression, and then her face turned slightly red....


Update time: December 15, 2020 02:58:13, evening, An~_

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