Imperial Capital.

Dashilan West Street.

An Liang took Zhao Dongliang to Uncle Zeng's stew shop

"Have you been to this store? An Liang asked.

Zhao Dongliang shook his head,"No.""

"I've been here before, it's an old store that's been open for decades, and I can't say enough about the taste!"An Liang responded.

He had been here with Chen Siyu before, and Chen Siyu was full of praise for this store.

Zhao Dongliang did not pretend that this store was too shabby. He followed An Liang into the store.

An Liang greeted him familiarly,"Uncle Zeng, you two One braised stew, one fried tripe, two fried livers, two steamed buns, and two bowls of mutton soup by the way.~"

Having said this, An Liang looked at Zhao Dongliang,"By the way, do you drink haggis soup or bean juice?"

Zhao Dongliang quickly responded,"Haggis soup is fine, I don't like bean juice either.""

"Then you are a fake from the Imperial City!"An Liang joked.

Zhao Dongliang complained,"Not everyone in the imperial capital likes Douzhier."

After a while, Uncle Zeng brought the stewed food up first, and he asked,"Drink some?"

"Bullpen? An Liang responded jokingly,"I drank this wine!""

Zhao Dongliang seconded the opinion,"The bullpen is at the top."

"I arranged for someone to deliver the wine. Wait a moment and it will be here soon."An Liang explained. After his words fell, Qin Tianxiang came in carrying two bottles of noble Maojiu.

"One bottle per person? An Liang suggested.

Zhao Dongliang nodded,"Okay!""


Shengqing, Shiliwan.

A small convoy of three off-road vehicles stopped on the side of the road. A young man lowered his window and asked,"Hello, brother, I would like to know how to get to Anjia's former residence?" The middle-aged man who was asked looked at the other person hesitantly. ,"Why are you going to Anjia’s former residence?"

"I heard that there are magical hollies there, and I want to see them."The young man did not hide

"If you can't see it, An's family will not be allowed to see it if they have a guarantor there, and they won't allow it either."The middle-aged man responded. Are you overbearing?" the young man asked.

The land over there has been rented by Anjia at a high price. They are all very happy. How can they be so overbearing? Explain.

The young man continued,"I just wanted to go over and have a look. They shouldn't be unreasonable, right?"

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to tell you, just walk about 500 meters ahead and turn left at the second intersection!"After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he shook his head.

The young man raised the window. He explained in English, and then asked,"Dr. Lawrence, what should we do now? Lawrence responded,"

Let's go over and take a look.""

The three off-road vehicles passed by according to the route directed by the middle-aged man. However, just after they turned left, they discovered that there was a roadblock in the middle of the road. It was not a simple roadblock like rubber traffic cones, but an iron triangular railing, and there were also Three rows in total.

This situation made Lawrence and his party very speechless.

"Eric, you go ask about it."Lawrence told the young man driving the car to inquire about the situation.

The young man driving the car was named Eric, and his real name was Ai Peng.

"Okay, please wait a moment, I'll go ask about the situation. Ai Peng got out of the car after responding.

Four locals from Shiliwan were responsible for entrance security. After they saw Ai Peng, Xiao Jiahao took the initiative and said,"Young man, you are not allowed to pass here." Ai

Peng responded,"Hello, big brother, we are here to visit Anjia's former residence. We are from Fipzell Company in Bald Eagle Country." By the way, here in Xia State, our company is called Pfizer."

This Ai Peng talks so much about you and us, does he seem to think of himself as a Bald Eagle?

Xiao Jiahao waved his hand,"We don't accept visits here. We are a scientific research center, suspected of trade secrets, and do not accept outsiders.

Asking for flowers ,

Ai Peng responded,"We know that you have very precious holly seeds. We at Pfizer are a very powerful pharmaceutical company. We can cooperate with you to make your products available to the world.""

"Let’s go, let’s go, if you’re not interested, if you don’t go, we’ll call the police!"Xiao Jiahao said rudely.

Because the above has already ordered that there will be no external cooperation, let alone external sales, and outsiders are not allowed to enter Anjia's former residence.

In order to protect the three holly trees, Anliang directly cleared the land around Anjia's former residence. All rented at a high price to form a more complete protection circle.......

"We are really here to help. We brought a letter of introduction from the company and a business letter...."Ai Peng was interrupted by Xiao Jiahao before he finished speaking.

"Let me say it again, hurry up and leave. We don’t accept any cooperation or help. If you don’t leave, we will call the police!"Xiao Jiahao stared at Ai Peng.

Ai Peng was a little helpless. He felt that he was a scholar meeting a soldier. He even wondered whether these rural security guards did not know what kind of giant company Pfizer was?

Faced with such a situation, Ai Peng felt that he had returned In the car, he was going to invite Professor Lawrence out. Lawrence was a standard blond and blue-eyed foreigner. Perhaps foreigners should have a better effect on these rural security guards?

Ai Peng returned to the car and explained the situation. Lawrence frowned secretly

"Professor Lawrence, how about you come with me to talk about the situation?"Ai Peng briefly explained the reason, saying that these rural security guards have limited knowledge and have never heard of their Pfizer name.

"All right!"Lawrence agreed, and he also felt that if he went over and said something, the other party could welcome them knowingly.

After all, he is an expert from Pfizer, the top pharmaceutical company in Bald Eagle Country!

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