The next day, Monday.

At seven o'clock in the morning, Yang Maoyi woke up early and prepared to go to school. Although she has successfully transformed into a food documentary creator, Yang Maoyi still has not given up studying.

An Liang also woke up early, yawned and asked casually,"Will you fail the exam at the end of the semester?"

"Your Majesty, you look down on people too much! Yang Maoyi responded with a snort,"I, the top student, have been among the top three in my class for a long time!""


Shengqing University is a standard 985/211 double first-class university. Yang Maoyi was admitted to Shengqing University and is indeed a top student in the eyes of ordinary people.

"Your Majesty, you’re not going to fail the exam, are you?"Yang Maoyi asked with a smile.

If it is just from the perspective of studying"263", it seems that it is really possible for Anliang to fail the exam directly, but it is impossible for Tianfu School of Economics to let Anliang fail.

Because Anliang is How could it be possible for someone who became a well-known alumnus after graduation to fail the course?

It is impossible to fail the course!

Even if Anliang turns in all the papers, he will not be able to pass the exam in the end.They will all pass every exam.

However, it is impossible for An Liang to hand in blank papers. Even if An Liang does not study accounting seriously, he can still answer some questions correctly casually.

"Your Majesty, I'm going to school."Yang Maoyi took the initiative to hug An Liang.

An Liang patted Yang Maoyi's back and said,"Come on, concentrate on your studies. I will come back to see you off before you leave."

"Um!"Yang Maoyi responded happily.

An Liang and Yang Maoyi went out together, so he naturally took the high-speed rail back to Tianfu.

Tianfu and Shengqing are very close. It takes more than an hour by high-speed rail and more than three hours by car, unless necessary. , otherwise An Liang doesn’t like driving by himself.

Even if the security personnel of Renyi Security Company drive, he doesn’t like it. After all, it takes more than three hours and is not as stable as the high-speed rail. Why not choose the high-speed rail?

At nearly nine o’clock in the morning, An Liang returned to Tianfu School of Economics , he had just arrived at school when he received a call from Qian Xiaogang.

An Liang put on a wireless headset and swiped the screen to answer.

"Brother Liang, is it convenient to speak now?"Qian Xiaogang's voice came directly over

"Just arrived at school."An Liang responded."The results are out. Specific..."Qian Xiaogang said halfway when An Liang

"Just wait a moment, don't say it over the phone, I'll send you a software and give you your account number."An Liang responded.

After ending the call, An Liang sent the confidential communication software of Renyi Security Company to Qian Xiaogang, Li Cunyuan, and Yun Haiyang, and also sent the account number.

An Liang is now paying more and more attention to confidentiality, because An Liang's identity He is becoming more and more famous among small groups. In the past, no one knew about An Liang, so they would naturally not pay attention to An Liang. Now the situation is different, so it is natural to pay attention to the issue of confidentiality.

After a while, An Liang added Li Cunyuan and three others, and then another one Confidential group of friends in the Imperial City.

An Liang: @everyone. We will talk about important things in the future here.

An Liang: To prevent the information from being leaked.

Qian Xiaogang: Okay.

Li Cunyuan: Brother Gangzi, has the conclusion been drawn? Er

Yun Haiyang: Is it really different?

Qian Xiaogang: Gene sequencing comparison

Qian Xiaogang: It is indeed different!

Qian Xiaogang: The leaves from the mother plant and the old leaves from the daughter plant have the same genetic sequence, but the newly grown leaves from the daughter plant have the same genetic sequence The leaves seemed to have been grafted, and the gene sequence had changed.

Qian Xiaogang: I did gene sequencing three times in total to ensure that it was not a mistake. This conclusion is quite scary!

Yun Haiyang: So the breeding of holly seeds failed?

Li Cunyuan : So we don’t have any more hollies?

Qian Xiaogang: From the current situation, it looks like this..........

Qian Xiaogang: Brother Liang, have you checked the situation of other sub-strains? Have such mutations also appeared?

An Liang: After you left yesterday, I carefully checked the condition of the young holly plants. I checked all the holly plants that had new leaves. All the new leaves had sparse veins.

Qian Xiaogang: Gene fragment diagram

Qian Xiaogang: There is a certain difference between the gene fragments of the mother holly plant and the new leaves of the daughter plant, which is about one in 100,000 cases. I am studying whether this problem can be corrected. Er

Qian Xiaogang: From the current point of view, it is basically impossible.

Qian Xiaogang: Brother Liang, Yun Bei! Hahaha20

Yun Haiyang: Yun Bei!

Li Cunyuan: Yun Bei!

An Liang: You all have no holly seeds this winter!

Qian Xiaogang:...,

Qian Xiaogang: I was wrong, Brother Liang, I was really wrong!

Qian Xiaogang: I just recovered yesterday, but I was horrified to find that I only had the last three bottles of Dongqingzi 0.7 oral liquid left, and I couldn't lose it.

Li Cunyuan: You have two girlfriends, you are amazing!

Yun Haiyang: Watch a show!

Qian Xiaogang: Brother Hai, please help. You don’t have a girlfriend anyway. Give your two bottles to your brother!

Yun Haiyang: Roll, roll, roll!

An Liang: By the way, brothers, don’t tell anyone about this matter.

An Liang: Actually, if you think about it logically, this is not a bad thing.

Qian Xiaogang:?

If holly seeds can be propagated by cuttings, then a huge pharmaceutical company can be created casually. But now holly seeds cannot be reproduced, so what is a good thing? _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - ∪ collection, recommendation, and sharing!

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